I have searched this fine subsection here at TFF for info on clone necks. I have gotten great info on this and wanted to report on a work in progress.
The neck I'm working on is a USACG neck in 1/4 sawn maple with a rosewood board. I had tried some of the postings for CAD drawings and 1:1 pictures to trace onto the headstock but met little sucess. I couldn't get the precision needed in these makeshift templates to make it work. So I simply traced the headstock from my boatneck onto carboard and retraced onto the new neck.
The photo shows how little needs to be trimmed from the legal shape of the USACG headstock. There is just barely enough wood there to make a good, accurate Strat headstock.
On the other hand, there was far too much wood in the stock headstock thickness. Much work to plane from about .590 to a more correct .540.
I also re-profiled the neck somewhat, but that's another story. Thanks for reading.