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Thread: PAF Clones: SD SH55s, BBPros, Skatterbranes & Tom Holmes Japan

  1. #1
    Forum Member demioblue's Avatar
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    PAF Clones: SD SH55s, BBPros, Skatterbranes & Tom Holmes Japan

    Got some cool PAF clones over the last few months.

    Here's the clips for the Skatterbrane Waterbranes unaccompanied... Was having a bit of fun at the end. Don't take it seriously... The Branes are in the same guitar as what the Tom Holmes Japan set was in previously. I swapped the Holmes to the Slash (Swiss Cheese) and the branes are now in the Chambered Standard. The Branes are so far the clearest set I've used, even though they are A2s. The Holmes were the thickest and most creamy (That bridge pup is really nice!)

    Here's the Seymour Duncan SH55s and the Tom Holmes Japan sets unacompanied for comparison.


    Tom Holmes Japan:

    Here's the Waterbranes in a song mix. I think they came up from the mix very well.

    The clips for the Holmes and the Branes are the best comparison so far. Same guitar, same electronics, same pedals, same settings. The BB Pros was also in the same guitar, but it was using stock electronics then. Parts are now RS Guitarworks parts. The SH55s were in a Swiss Cheesed Les Paul, also with RS parts.

    Here's the Holmes, SH55s and the BB Pros in song mixes for comparison's sake.

    Tom Holmes Japan:


    BB Pros:

    Special thanks to Mats Nermark for the use of his backing tracks!

    Check out!!!

  2. #2

    Re: PAF Clones: SD SH55s, BBPros, Skatterbranes & Tom Holmes Japan

    Great playing, as usual

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