The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
The dog days of summer are here. So is the All-Star break, signifying the midpoint of the baseball season (it's actually a little past midpoint, but there's slim chance of my team doing anything. Oops, Slim just walked out the door!). The three "H's" have settled in: Hazy, Hot & Humid. Always looking to put a positive spin on things, I can say that the humidifier in my guitar room is now powered off and my home's built-in dehumidifier is keeping things at a nice 50% RH.
Another week of training ahead of me. Retirement is now looking very attractive to me, and more and more it looks like my employer wants to keep me on board until my announced "drop dead" date. I just hope I don't drop dead before then!
So, a lazy day of rest. Church this morning, then I'll settle in and spend some time learning open G.
Good Sunday, everyone!
Re: The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
Good morning - I remembered the Sunday thread on Sunday for a change! Meeting an old friend for breakfast this morning. I've known him since grade school - in fact we both worked together after school when we were 14, washing dishes in a nursing home after school. Then I need to take apart the dryer vent hose and clean it out. The dryer was full of moisture last night so I'm guessing blocked vent. Tomorrow I go back to the liver doctor for my 6 months checkup. Things have been going in the right direction for two years now, so I'm expecting a good test. Several big meetings this week - and the boss is on vacataion for the next two weeks, so things will be calm (she's actually doing a good job of running the place, anyways.
OS - I'm starting to collect Social Security in August when I legally turn 70, but will keep working anyways. I'm hoping that in a couple -three years I can knock off all my debt and retire with a paid-off mortgage and no credit card debt. We'll see... you know what they say, "Man plans, God laughs"...
Re: The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
GJ - your last sentence spoke truth. I thought I was about to work and make some money, just in time. Nope
Finally got a phone call from the Home Health Hospice people. Somebody at the rehab facility fucked up and the request for services didn't reach HHH until a week after I was sent home. I saw my first medical professional 8 days after I was discharged. Thank god I had siblings to help out. My brother I live with is essentially not available due to traveling and spending weekends with his girlfriend out of state. My other two siblings are morbidly obese and are barely more ambulatory than i am. I crank the a/c as much as I can stand it before they arrive, and they're both perspiring within minutes of arriving while I'm shivering.
I've been being the squeaky wheel, calling the HHH people daily and I'm still only going to see a PT person for the first time tomorrow, 11 days after I got sent home. Don't get sick or hurt if you're on medicare, because they sure as fuck don't give a damn.
Still waiting to be cleared to be able to sit with a guitar, it sucks to be looking at the cases and not playing the guitars inside. Hopefully soon.
Re: The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
I was blessed with no shows this weekend (woohoo!)so it was out the door at 4:30 AM yesterday to do some bass fishing. Got 9 hours on the deck, only took one Red Bull to keep me going. Came home, smoked a bowl and in the rack by 9PM. Slept in a little this AM, watched F1, cut a couple acres and now off to the big boat for some salmon fishing.
Re: The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
25 mile bicycle ride yesterday. Rode 75 miles over the past 5 days. Taking today off to just rest and enjoy.
Did some work on a new song I've been writing. Very difficult time writing this one. I think it's going to be worth it though!
Re: The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
Started with lawn work. Did my elderly neighbors yard as well as his guy didn’t show (I think he was lite on cash). Did a bass gig Sat as well as Sun. Finishing up watching F1. Need to start prepping on some new songs for a guitar gig at the en of the month. (Bass takes me a lot less prep time). Have 3 more bass gigs next week, then I’m heading back to FL to visit a friend. Can’t pass up a RT flight at $105.
Re: The Sunday Thread for July 9, 2023
Wow, totally forgot about the Sunday morning thread!
My wife and I took the Corvette out for breakfast this morning and after sipping a few bloody Mary’s and tossing in a tenderloin steak and some over-easy eggs, we put the top down and had an enjoyable cruise in the country. Summer drives through the countryside are really great in a convertible with the sun shining and temps in the mid 70s.