Re: Strat wiring question
I would just play it and enjoy it. I got to a point where I'm officially too old to go messing with a perfectly good guitar, LOL. Yup, I have ruined a few!
Re: Strat wiring question
Got curious, and looked for a diagram, but no luck, found this article.
Re: Strat wiring question
Not perchance a Fender Japan guitar is it?
Re: Strat wiring question
Nope. USA Custom Shop
been too busy to lift the guard and investigate.
Re: Strat wiring question
Usually on a Stratocaster it's either a stacked rotary switch that allows for umpteen pickup configs or a Fender Varitone clone. It might be that it is only in the circuit when the 5-way is in the first position.
Re: Strat wiring question
Originally Posted by
Offshore Angler
Usually on a Stratocaster it's either a stacked rotary switch that allows for umpteen pickup configs or a Fender Varitone clone. It might be that it is only in the circuit when the 5-way is in the first position.
That is exactly it; it only impacts pos 1.
Re: Strat wiring question
Re: Strat wiring question
Well I still haven?t lifted the guard, but the pot in Q is a Kingtone offering. Mine has 4 positions. Their current ones have 6. I asked them for info.
all I know is I have a gig tomorrow, and all I need is in Strat position 1 with that knob on its 2nd setting, and Strat position 5. None of the set list needs or wants quack.