The Sunday Thread For 2024-11-17
Other than what I've detailed in another thread, there's nothing new for me today except that this afternoon, the guys in my Friday small group have decided to form a work group and help spruce up the coffee shop that the church owns. Some of the tables need painting, the legs tightened and similar fixing. No handegg on my plate today, so it works well for me.
Have a great Sunday!
Re: The Sunday Thread For 2024-11-17
Tired today - we had our annual convention this weekend so it was non-stop action from Thursday morning until Saturday - 2:30 (hour drive home). It went really well -had a blast and reconnected with people I've known for years - and made new friends! The only drawback was walking into a hall with 600 people - half of whom were sneezing or coughing. along the way. I'm getting congested and hoping that we didn't create a super-spreader event... Luckily I had a COVID booster and flu shot last month, so I'm not too worried.
We have to transplant some of Ann's plants - her clones grew in really well and it's time to start a couple in the flowering tent. Unfortunately we got some mold, and the treatment saved the plants but they aren't looking so good - hopefully we didn't just waste the last three months of work.
I also need to get the lawn buttoned up for the season - mowing bagging and winterizing the mowers for the season. Busy day with fewer hours of daylight to get it all done.
Re: The Sunday Thread For 2024-11-17
Ran a bunch or errands Sat as well as went to a special jewelry sale. We celebrated our 10th anny last month, but held off on the gift until this sale. meant to do some work but that didn?t happen.
played a couple bass gigs this AM. Need to go fill up the truck and do some development work that I should have done yesterday. Right now it equates to about 3 hrs a day for each workday from now to TDay. Each day I set aside gets repurposed so I have to tackle this in off hours. My CFO sort of gets it, but the co culture is reactionary vs proactive. I?ll get them proactive eventually or die trying.
hopefully some guitar time today. Picked up my CS 60 Tele. Had a 4 way switch put in it and a plate flip.
Re: The Sunday Thread For 2024-11-17
bright and fairly mild today. Got 95% of stuff moved last week, had Tom (construction guy) help me wrap my half stack with blankets and stretch film. Super easy when the stack is on wheels. Construction has started, which reminds me, I need to take progress pics. I should have gotten before pics but I have older ones from way back when I finished the demolition 3 years ago that I'll use. The walls were treated with a sealant, spots on the floor were leveled. One wall is framed.
So far I haven't done anything but recuperate from the back, which is progressing nicely. However, the exertion of Sunday caught up with me on Tuesday in the form of a very sore right knee. Been icing that and the back, both are getting better. It is nice to be able to lay down and to get out of bed without feeling nauseous from pain and spasms. Then Thursday I started getting cold symptoms. I immediately started treating it with Airborne and E-mergency (sp?), staying hydrated and getting lots of rest. Fingers crossed. I have an audiologist appointment on Thursday up in the mountains and I really hate to miss those as it'll be months before I can get back in.
Found out Friday that my Medicare plan silently enrolled me into a different group, I called about a couple of new providers I'm seeing next year and wanted to be sure they were covered. My plan coordinator alerted me to the impending change on Jan 1. So far it looks like everybody is on board and we're trying to find an audiologist provider closer by. I like the drive I just hate the expense, it's nigh on 30 dollars gas/tolls/wear and tear etc.
I've got to look for my Christmas lights, Thanksgiving is only 11 days away and that night is when I start turning them on. No jamming today, I haven't played in about 10 days and my jam buddy is going to the football game courtesy of his old boss. I'll watch the game, ice various parts of my body and take it easy. Play guitar while watching handegg.
Re: The Sunday Thread For 2024-11-17
Wow, totally forgot about checking in here today. I got wrapped up in the Packers/Bears game to see if my pool numbers do anything this week. So far?nil. My wife and I took one of the Harleys out for our breakfast run this morning because of the unusually warm November Wisconsin weather. I guess we?re suspending the insurance on the bikes and Corvette on Monday because of the anticipated snow/freezing rain in the forecast.
I was sad that we had to remove all of our remaining ash trees (25) because of damage by the emerald ash borer, but I guess it could be a blessing in disguise as I don?t have multiple days of raking leaves as a result. I think I?ll have one more day of raking because our three adult maples have only shed about 30% of their fall foliage.
Hope all have a great week.
I don?t believe the end of that Packers/Bears game?unreal but my numbers still suck.
Re: The Sunday Thread For 2024-11-17
Been a busy weekend here. Got my flu and covid booster shots yesterday morning. came back and got some yard work done, cleared out the bushes / garden and mowed the rest of the leaves in.
Kiddo had a hockey game last night, (tough loss) and back at it today at noon (won this one; getting it back from a team that beat them earlier in the season)
As a goalie, he let in one goal each game - his co-goalie let in 2 last night and one today (they're 10 and under, so with 2 goalies, they change off halfway through the game.)
After getting home got a bunch more stuff done - bringing in the hoses and shutting off the faucets for the winter, some cleaning and sorting inside. Cleaned the fish tank and changed some of the water.
Then I finished off building the StewMac Sun Fuzz pedal I got a little ways back. Happy it works right, and I'm kinda digging the sound. Historically fuzz and I don't get along too well, but I;ve had the bug to revisit it for a little bit. This one is a clone of the Analog Man Sun Fuzz, based on the fuzz face, but with extra tweakability, I gather.
Having just played with it for a few minutes I think I can find a spot for it in my rotation. I don't think it'll replace my go-tos yet, but as an extra voice on the shelf it'll work well.