This is addressed to the 1% of our Forum populace who feel that they do not have to follow the rules.
Badgering, bullying and namecalling will not be tolerated or supported on this Forum. This Forum prides itself on it's freedom to express, but that is NOT a ticket to ridicule and humiliate people under the guise of free expression.
This is a privately owned Forum, and is subject to the Administrators and the Moderators on how this place is run and monitored.
If you can not or will not abide by the simple rules, you WILL have your membership terminated without notice and you will not be allowed to return.. ever...
I will not stand by and watch this place turn into a Harmony Central where chaos is the rule.
If I see any more rude behavior towards Forum members by other Forum members, the offender will be terminated IMMEDIATELY.
This is the end of this subject and is not up for discussion.
Thanks to the other 99% who come here to have a good time and exchange information in a freindly and supportive nature.