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Thread: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

  1. #1
    Forum Member 2002standardmat's Avatar
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    Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    I recently put a set of Bareknuckle 'Stormy Mondays' in my Les Paul and I am now considering replacing the PUPs in my 99 MIM 60's Strat with a set of their 'Irish Tours'.

    Has anyone put a set of these or one of Tim's others in their strat?

    What did you think etc,etc...

    I've read some good things about them on Harmony Central..

  2. #2
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    Never even heard of them. The good thing is that nowadays the equipment exists so that anyone can put together a half decent p'up if they use high quality materials.
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  3. #3
    ZoneFiend photoweborama's Avatar
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    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    Here is a nice write up on them. Go Here..
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  4. #4
    Forum Member Mark4625's Avatar
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    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    I have got a set of the Trilogy Suite pickups as replacements for the Texas Specials in my SRV Strat.
    I have got nothing but praise for Tim and his products.
    I spoke to Tim on the telephone before ordering and told him I wanted a big Strat rock sound which is exactly what the Trilogy's deliver.
    Tim was even kind enough to install the pickups onto my existing pickguard after I posted it to him.
    These pickups are very powerful but do give good clean sounds as well as driving rock sound if you back off the volume.
    These are not at all vintage or quacky sounding but suit me down to the ground for what I want and Tim makes other products for the vintage market.

  5. #5
    Forum Member
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    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    Yes indeed !

    I'm new to Bareknuckle but since my liason of 2 months now, I have have 3 Lindy Fralin vintage hots rewound by Tim and I've bought a couple of Apaches (neck and mid).

    To be honest Tim is *the* pickup maker from me. I have owned "single-coil", Bardens, Kinmans, Fralins, Duncan-including Antiquities, Dave Whites, DiMArzios, a Van Zandt and probably a few more. Out of all thsi good company the Bareknuckle's are simply the best sounding I have ever had. Ofcourse they are not noiseless. They are scatter-wound and complex and characterful. I just also state that I have humbuckers in the bridges of my guitars (normally Tom Holmes) - so I can't talk about the strat bridge sound from Bareknuckle.

    Tim's customer service is simply second to none. I highly recommend phoning him and just talking pickups and tone with him telling him what you are looking for. If you do tell him that gerry sent you :)

    I don't think it is possible to go wrong with Bareknuckle.


  6. #6
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    i was wondering how it was ordering from them, and how do i convert pounds to dollars. thanks guys. i'm thinking about using one of their pups in an esquire i'll be building.
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  7. #7
    Forum Member
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    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    Hi Chuckocaster,

    I would highly recommend that you give Tim in the UK a call. The number is on You can also order from the site I believe but the easiest way is to phone your credit card number into Tim. That's how I have done it on 3 occasions now. You might end up being sold on "The Boss" pickups he produces. Dollars to pounds is something like 1.5 ish green back to a queenback. Just check out "currency conversion" on google for on-line conversion.
    By the way bareknuckle pickups tend to be louder than you might expect based on the dc resistance readings of the pickups. It's in the way Tim treats them.


  8. #8
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    spanish for lard.

    Re: Bareknuckle Pickups anyone?

    thanks man.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

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