I love this BASS it plays so sweet and looks as good as it sounds.
I love this BASS it plays so sweet and looks as good as it sounds.
I like it. My '62 RI Jazz looks similar except mine has the stacked knobs. Funny how Fender does things. The stacked knobs were available only '60 thru '61. So much for accurate reissues.
.......... from the Land of Gibson
Hi Hank. Ya this is just like a USA 62ri J BASS Alder body same hardware bridge tuners as the USA model only difference this is poly and the USA 62ri are nitro. .
Last edited by Marcondo; 08-08-2002 at 01:40 PM.
very cool. I love the electric bass, just can't do a lot with one.
.......... from the Land of Gibson
I like to play BASS late at night relaxes me. I dont have to think about as much as when I play guitar so I just let my mind relax and hold down the bottom end. When I switch back to guitar it seems as if I can bend the strings to the MOON.