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Thread: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

  1. #41
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoFauve
    Wavin' at the serfs from a stainless steel DeLorean, listening to some Huey Lewis would be sweet.:wail2

    MORTICIAN: Must be a king.
    CUSTOMER: Why?
    MORTICIAN: He hasn't got shit all over him.
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  2. #42
    Forum Member Jonnda's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by photoweborama
    Well, I vote for the Arion Tubulator. Like I said, I have three of them.
    If you guys want, I'll do a head to head test with the Tubulator and the Tubescreamer TS9DX.

    But if nobody cares, I won't spend the time.
    Oh please would you do that for me.
    "The other Shaltanac's joopleberry shrub is always a more mauvy shade of pinky-russet."

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  3. #43
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by curtisstetka
    The truth of the matter is that labor is cheap in China and expensive in America for a reason. There's no EPA in China. There's no OSHA in China. There are no labor unions. There's no social security, workman's compensation, and on goes the list.
    Plus, the Chinese are hoarding the dollar, keeping their currency low and their prices cheap against our dollar and against our domestic goods...or so I've read somewhere, recently.

    "I'm gonna find myself a girl
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  4. #44
    ZoneFiend photoweborama's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by fezz parka
    Me too!

    Hey, I saw that car at Universal Studios! Actually I bought a film production script from the guy who designed and built it.

    Actually they do have some sort of Social Security in China. I don't know the details, but we met quite a few retired people, and they had a bunch of retirement homes in that one city.

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't have much money for toys for me. I prefer to take care of the rest of the household first. I have a Behringer mixer that works great. A difficult choice for sure, but still a personal choice.
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  5. #45
    ZoneFiend photoweborama's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnda
    Oh please would you do that for me.
    I'll have a new thread for you...
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  6. #46
    Forum Member Jonnda's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Thanks! I've been looking for a good distortion/overdrive pedal to use with my yamaha fifty112 which doesn't have the best overdrive sound past 1. I got a Fab Distortion when they were on sale at Musicians Friend real cheap but it is a little too heavy metal for most things i do. Maybe you could post sound clips too.
    "The other Shaltanac's joopleberry shrub is always a more mauvy shade of pinky-russet."

    "there's NOTHING WRONG with a live penguin, but...I expected a hamburger!"

  7. #47
    ZoneFiend photoweborama's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnda
    Thanks! I've been looking for a good distortion/overdrive pedal to use with my yamaha fifty112 which doesn't have the best overdrive sound past 1. I got a Fab Distortion when they were on sale at Musicians Friend real cheap but it is a little too heavy metal for most things i do. Maybe you could post sound clips too.
    Check out the other thread. It has sound samples...
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  8. #48
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by Gravity Jim
    LostDog - I said that low labor costs were not the ONLY reason why Behringer stuff is cheap. It's ALSO cheap because it's made out of junk. This is not the same as saying there is no difference between Chinese and German labor costs.

    As for the legal discussion, as I say, I was told this by people who I think should know. It may be overstating the fact to say that Mackie "won" the suit: there was in fact no judgement in a court, as the suit was settled out of court. Mackie said at the time that while the setttlement was confidential, they were pleased with the result, and the industry did notice that the Behringer MX8000 was taken off the market in the US shortly afterward. Aphex and dbx did not fare so well... you can still buy a Composer anywhere.
    Apohex were also sued by the original designer as they stole his design...apparantly..
    No one is whter than white.

    So did Mackie win as you said or not?
    You can't say they won and then later say they didn't.
    They settled. How many companies settle disputes? Thousands.
    You don't like Behringer. Fine! You have your reasons, great!
    As a Country then US doesn't abide by the ecological rules other countries (including China) have decided to adhear to. Instead you buy your extra emissions from third world countries so you can churn out as much junk as possible without having to think ecologically. Now, I don't know what is more important, but I'd like to think a few years down the line that my country tried to tackle that problem...
    Just don't repeat stuff you "have heard" without knowing if it is true...
    To put this straight. I don't have any Behringer gear except for what was left to me from a musician who passed away. I also don't intend buying any except for maybe the pedal that was said to be better than the equivalent boss in a guitar mag.
    They could be producing their goods with world war 1 components for all I care. I read a review or 2 about the new range and they compare favorably to other pedals and some come out better than others (so if they "stole" boss's design, they also improved on it).

    To pick on Behringer is absurd. Most US musical instrument companies produce at least some of their range in China these days and many use desings based on other companies designs.... Behringer were one of the first to go to China, so they took the brunt of bad publicity. Everyone who complained (including Mackie) now do the same.
    You can't have it both ways...

    Over and out :)

  9. #49
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Manufacturing in China doesn't seeem to be most folks issue with Behringer.

    Design and trade dress theft, and overall quality is.
    Several guitars in different colors
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  10. #50
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Yeah, let me say again that I don't have that much of a problem with the Chinese manufacture. It's blantantly trying to capitalize on another company's reputation and market presence in order to sell their products.
    s'all goof.

  11. #51
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by curtisstetka
    Yeah, let me say again that I don't have that much of a problem with the Chinese manufacture. It's blantantly trying to capitalize on another company's reputation and market presence in order to sell their products.
    Agreed! There are a few companies like that it's just others hide behind a new facade. Underneath it is the same as someone elses box.
    All this plays into behringers hands anyway.
    What they did with the new pedals for example.
    They made a webpage with some mockups that looked exactly like boss pedals.
    Guess what, Boss made a fuss! Behringer changed the design..
    How about that for making people aware of a product.

    And my main point is that there are lots of people going around saying "the behringer box is identical to xxx" and these people just don't know. They are repeating what other people are saying.

    Then being told they reverse engineer....

    Damn, if you wa

  12. #52
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    Quote Originally Posted by curtisstetka
    Yeah, let me say again that I don't have that much of a problem with the Chinese manufacture. It's blantantly trying to capitalize on another company's reputation and market presence in order to sell their products.
    Unfortunately this is how it is these days (looking for morals in big business is pretty hard these days...)
    There is a fine line between being inspired by another product and ripping it off. Behringer crossed it occasionally but no more than MANY other companies.

    You make something like your competitor and you either make it

    a) better
    b) cheaper or
    c) both

    What I hate is people repeating things they hear without any knowledge wether it is true or not.
    Reverse engineering a boss pedal???
    I'd just skip here and grab the schematics!

    Behringer created a fuss by putting mockups of their pedals which looked VERY similar to boss pedals on their site and having some models of them so Boss said "Hey, they look like our pedals" which they did. Behringer then changed the design (not that there was a design, they just posted some pretty pictures and some nice looking boxes). Damn, not bad publicity for free, no? They hadn't built a thing.

    Does anyone scream blue murder about Arion or are their pedals designed from the ground up?? I don't think so.

    It's a game and almost all the manufacturers play it.

    Individuals have responsability to do what they think is right or wrong. If you feel Behringer is in the wrong, fine. I stand 100% behind that stance. I have that stance with various other companies I know more about...
    But repeating stuff without being sure it is true is bull (which is where this all started)
    Last edited by dlmorley; 01-15-2006 at 02:22 AM.

  13. #53
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808


    besides all the macro-economics, all the behringer stuff that i've used (never owned any mind you) has crapped out under very controlled conditions. we're talking a couple weeks of living in a recording studio.

    spend a couple extra dollars and get something that isn't going to crumble after 20 stomps.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  14. #54
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  15. #55
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    My experience with Behringer gear has been very good.

    My band had Behringer mains and a mixer. Worked fine. I used their cheapo DI box. I just recently got a V-amp2 for $50 for headphone practicing purposes. A buddy of mine owned it previously for a couple years. Almost every sound in it is crap but it does the trick I need it to do.

    This situation is different. When I first saw that Vintage Distortion pedal I thought it was a Big Muff - which is Behringer's intent, of course. That's not ethical. Probably not legal although it's also probably muddy enough that nothing will ever come of it.

    Big business isn't tiddly winks and I'm not so naive to think this doesn't happen all the time in all industries. As a consumer, I can vote with my wallet. There are certain companies I won't deal with when I learn of crap like this. Behringer's now on the list.
    s'all goof.

  16. #56
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    Re: Behringer Tube Overdrive TO800 & Ibanez TS808

    THIS SITE ROCKS~!!!!!!

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