Is there an accepted/tried & true order to putting your effects in line or is it all hit & miss. If there is, what would be one or more good orders to try for my stuff. Up to now it hasnt really mattered if i plug and unplug (a couple o these are tonesuckers - can ya guess which ones...?), but i'm starting to play more in a band setting so i need to figure this out...
1 - tuner
2 - EB vol (w/ tuner out)
3 - analog delay (used a lot for reverb rockabilly type sound)
4 - distortion (used a lot for mild overdrive)
5 - chorus (stereo - used mostly to split to two amps)
6 - octaver (rarely used)
7 - autowah (rarely used)
Oh yeah, i often but not always like to play two amps in stereo...
Thanks gurus!