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Thread: I'm thinking about buying a Podxt.

  1. #81
    Forum Member mojo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: I'm thinking about buying a Podxt.

    Ya the Podxt turned off my sound card as well. Funny you have the option on Podxt Live to utilize your sound card. Doesn't really matter to me, once I get Fezzes suggested setup a' going, all will be well.


  2. #82
    Forum Member mojo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: I'm thinking about buying a Podxt.


    I'm in a holding pattern on the 5e3 right now. I have not been feeling to well of late and I discovered why the other day. Just 2 weeks shy of my 50th B-Day (7 Days From Now) I found out I have Type 2 Diabetes and it's completely out of control (406 Blood sugar, 100 or less is Normal). It's slowly dropping, I'm now in the low 2's. Not to worry I'm starting to feel better and my vision which has been blurry is returning to normal.

    I hope to get the 5e3 project started in a couple of weeks (Chris, I got all the cool parts for it except the MM/PT). I just need to let the dust settle a bit first. Lots of changes comin' my way, I'll get through it though. :)

    Last edited by mojo; 03-24-2006 at 11:56 PM.

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