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Thread: All you pedals in-front guys

  1. #1
    Forum Member alanfc's Avatar
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    All you pedals in-front guys

    (my apologies if you've seen this on another site/forum,I like alot of opinions)

    I'm transforming in a major way, going from humbucker to single coils and now interested in all pedals up front.
    And lightly overdriven amp with an OD pedal on all the time. ("Cleans" I find now are fine enough for me using the guitar's volume knob.)

    I've read several threads about Loop-No loop,
    but just want to see if anyone's bored enough
    to have a look here.
    I got me a Voodoo Pedal Power 2 so FX upfront don't scare me anymore.
    I used to have 11 pedals some in front, some in loop, will now trim down to 8...
    I'm eliminating: Phaser, EQ, and tuner, using a battery only (not in-line) ...I'll just turn down and plug into the tuner every once in awhile I don't mind.

    So what I have left is:
    -Guyatone auto-wah WR3
    -Digi Bad Monkey (on all the time)
    -Dano French toast octave fuzz
    -Boss CE-5 (on all the time, very lightly set)
    -Guyatone flanger
    -Boss DD-3 for short delays
    -Ibanez DE-7 for long/echo
    -Digi Digiverb

    THis is also the order I'm planning.
    Single coils sound so good to me now, esp. since I finally tried the OD pedal route.
    What do you think of this lineup and can you tell me how you place your stuff if its all upfront?

  2. #2
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    Sounds fine, except I can't see ever having anything on all the time.

    It's not an effect, if it doesn't contrast with something.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
    Things to make them louder
    orange picks

  3. #3
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    Kap'n, you're CrAzY. I think it's okay to have some stuff on all the time. He's just using his pedal for clipping instead of the amp. That's okay if he digs the sound and feel. I tend to do the same thing. I actually prefer the way my overdrive pedals clips to the way my amp clips. And I too turn it down at the guitar to control the level of grittiness.

    I often leave my compressor on all the time. Also have an EQ pedal that I haven't made up my mind on yet. It sounds cool to shape the tone while on all the time but it's also rather effective for radically changing things if I want a solo boost or change things up for different sections of a song, etc.
    s'all goof.

  4. #4
    Forum Member alanfc's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    thanks guys

    RE: Pedals on all the itme:
    yes I'll have the BM on and roll down the vol knob for my version of "clean"

    The Chorus pedal, some days I'm a Mike Stern wannabee (tone only of course) and some days I'm not !

  5. #5
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    sounds fine if it works for you. don't know if you play out much, but if you do i personally wouldn't take the tuner off the board. you never know when your guitar is going to go out of tune. don't care how well your guitar is set up and plays, if you bump something with the headstock you're going to go out. way faster to stomp on a pedal than pull the cord and plug it into a tuner. YMMV.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  6. #6
    Forum Member alanfc's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    yeah I thought about that Tuner thing a little, yes we play out,
    haven't done this new lineup yet though. So in a lineup like this straight into the amp, you'd place that Tuner in the typical 1st spot? (Boss TU-2)

  7. #7
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    I'd loop out to the tuner, since it's buffered. In fact, that many time based effects should be enough to make you consider a loop controller. I'd build a two loop sytem with a tuner bypass.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  8. #8
    Forum Member alanfc's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    OK thanks. I'm very low teck. I'll see how this lineup works at practice tonight.
    I'm going for simplicity but I like having all the possibilities there at my feet for some odd sounds too.

  9. #9
    Forum Member lure555's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    I used to have a rack setup, but completely overhauled my rig a few years back. One of my first purchases when I decided to go the pedal route was a VHT Valvulator. I was horrified the first time I A/B'd my tone with and without a wah in line. The Valvulator takes care of any signal loss from the pedals.

  10. #10
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    Quote Originally Posted by lure555
    I used to have a rack setup, but completely overhauled my rig a few years back. One of my first purchases when I decided to go the pedal route was a VHT Valvulator. I was horrified the first time I A/B'd my tone with and without a wah in line. The Valvulator takes care of any signal loss from the pedals.
    True-bypass switch in that wah would've been a helluvalot cheaper.


  11. #11
    Forum Member alanfc's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    Thanks guys.
    Results from practice on Sat., 3 words>>
    I'm going to eliminate all pedals from upfront and go with only spatial FX,
    only in the loop. (and oh yeah I put my humbucker back in that night after practice yowch !).

  12. #12
    Forum Member lure555's Avatar
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    Re: All you pedals in-front guys

    Quote Originally Posted by CocoTone
    True-bypass switch in that wah would've been a helluvalot cheaper.

    If that were the only pedal, yeah. But sometimes I throw in a Whammy or volume pedal I love the VHT, so there are no regrets.

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