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Thread: A Humble Confession.

  1. #1
    Forum Member dirtdog's Avatar
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    A Humble Confession.

    After all my talk in the "reasons to quit the band thread", I played "Mustang Sally" at a jam last night. In my defence, I was tricked. A couple of bars into the tune, I realized what was going on and it was too late. . What could I do but be a stand-up and guy and play my ass off.

    Contrary to what I expected, I did not suffer from spontaneous combustion right there on stage, but I did groan a lot when the front-man failed to channel the spirit of Wilson Pickett.

    I think Karma showed up there last night and showed me who was boss.


  2. #2
    Forum Member rudutch's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdog View Post
    After all my talk in the "reasons to quit the band thread", I played "Mustang Sally" at a jam last night. In my defence, I was tricked. A couple of bars into the tune, I realized what was going on and it was too late. . What could I do but be a stand-up and guy and play my ass off.

    I did not suffer from spontaneous combustion right there on stage,
    forgot your Peavey?
    do I look like I know what I'm doing?

  3. #3
    Forum Member Annie D.'s Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Know what, kid?

    Playing any music, as best you can, and making it shine, beats the heck outta flippin' burgers.

    Member Dat
    Shine your light.

  4. #4
    Gravity Jim

    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Quote Originally Posted by Annie D. View Post
    Know what, kid?

    Playing any music, as best you can, and making it shine, beats the heck outta flippin' burgers.

    Member Dat
    Word to your mother.

  5. #5
    Forum Member sliding-tom's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Annie, you're a wise lady!

  6. #6
    Forum Member melody's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Yup at least your doing some thing you like..

  7. #7
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Quote Originally Posted by Annie D. View Post
    Know what, kid?

    Playing any music, as best you can, and making it shine, beats the heck outta flippin' burgers.

    Member Dat
    Post of the day.

  8. #8
    Forum Member KevinWaide's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Quote Originally Posted by pc View Post
    Post of the day.
    Amen to that.
    --The music is all around us. I can hear it. Can you?

  9. #9
    Forum Member detuned's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    I sure do like burgers tho'...

    Master of Disaster on the Stratocaster

  10. #10
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Coulda been worse-
    coulda been Stormy Monday

  11. #11
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Or "Wheels on the Bus."

    (Having a 1 and 3 year old, I hear that song enough times a day to seriously consider mayhem as a hobby).

  12. #12
    Forum Member Jonnda's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    I think I must have missed something here, whats wrong with mustang sally?

    Have I just not heard the sucky version of it? My favorite rendition is the one i randomly saw on TV near chicago. The station airs korean, spanish, and polish television... it basically rebroadcasts foreign TV.

    Anyhow there was this K-pop verity show thing that had this awesome flute player and people flying around on wires, so i stayed and watched the spectacle. Then they showed the audience and the next act came on. It was mostly teeny boppers, and they were going gaga over some shirtless pretty boy singing something sappy in korean.

    I was just about to change the channel when this chick with a buzz cut came on stage after the pretty boy. She looked rather promising. She sang some ballad and i decided I had enough, even though she could really sing.

    But I never expected what came next, the best rendition of Mustang Sally I've ever heard. All the teeny boppers looked board to tears as the band of what appeared to be studio musician pros, tore it up big time. Tight as the flecktones, and very creative. The bassist was all over the place with his five string, the guitarist was rocking out... ect.

    The buzz cut chick's voice did a 180 from the smooth pop to this cross between Janis Joplin and a female Wilson Pickett. Not very much of an accent either. She then sang Proud Mary, if I recall. Nailed that one too.

    Agian the teeny boppers looked bored, but the hand full of older people really dug it.

    Mustang sally and other garage band tunes don't have to suck. I'm glad your jam went well.
    "The other Shaltanac's joopleberry shrub is always a more mauvy shade of pinky-russet."

    "there's NOTHING WRONG with a live penguin, but...I expected a hamburger!"

  13. #13
    Forum Member dirtdog's Avatar
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnda View Post
    I think I must have missed something here, whats wrong with mustang sally?
    Nothing except I've played it to excess over the last 20-odd years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Annie D. View Post
    Know what, kid?

    Playing any music, as best you can, and making it shine, beats the heck outta flippin' burgers.
    LOL - been there, done that, got a somewhat real career now (read: only a handful of years 'til I can cash in on my pension)

    And unless you're in your sixties I'm not much of a kid, age-wise.....


  14. #14
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: A Humble Confession.

    You know what depths you have reached when you hear Mustang Sally not once but three times at the same jam all in one night.
    All played by guys in wide-brimmed hats & kimonos, lol

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