While in the process of changing strings on my 1973 strat serial no 421 552, I got the idea of taking off the neck to look at the date stamped there. I date it 1973 as I wrote Fender in 1977, the year I bought it, and they dated it 1973.Still got that letter. Hopefully someone here can help me interprete the numbers, as i don't understand them. On the back of the neck J. TORRES is stamped, and on the end of the neck the following numbers appear: 0901 2823 . In the neck pocket the letters AYALA is stamped and something which is harder to read goes like BABE or 3873 when read upside down and using a bit imagination. There also is written what could be M or W with pencil.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone here could help on this issue. I've seen pictures of other neck dates, and they seemed perfectly understandable, but this I just don't have a clue.