Well, sort of. After playing a guitar where the knobs were completely out of the way, I am having a hard time not smacking the volume knob all the time. It's also almost right where I used to rest my hand for palm muting and stuff. I am sure I'll get used to it, but right now, my pinky is getting all abused. Any tips? Maybe I should be hitting the strings a little higher on the neck?
I am sure I'll adjust, I am really liking the HW1 HSS. Those nice big spacious frets are really a step up from my last guitar, I've really got room to grab those chords.
This may be a moot point, since I am getting it set up next week, but when I put some 10's on, the bridge stood right up, due to the tension. I tightened the spring screws, but I am afraid to tighten them too much. I tried to tune up slowly, slow steps while adjusting the screws. Was this the correct way to adjust for higher gauge strings?