As I have run out of room on my current Gator pedalboard, I ordered the bigger one. Well, it came in, and it's quite a bit bigger than the one I have. Plus, it's got room for a second power supply, which I may take from my smaller board.
Which started like this:
And when I got the Gator, looked like this (except for the replacement of the Small Stone with a Phase 90):
I was wondering - does anyone make extenders for the 9v and 18v power supplies? I have a one-spot that has a 10' cable, but the wall warts that come with the Gator power supplies come with a measley 6'. Frankly, I am sick of running an extension cord and a power strip up to the front of the stage all the time...
I know that pedalsnake makes stuff like this, but you have to buy their stuff at a premium. I just need cables that have the male and female cannon ends, about 12 feet each. Then all my power can be run off one big power strip at the back of the stage.