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Thread: Protecting tubes

  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    Protecting tubes

    When you guys gig, do you take along spare tubes for your amps or just take a spare amp? How do you protect spare tubes 'on the road?'

    I have DRRI, should I carry 1 spare of each of the 4 different tube types?


  2. #2
    Forum Member Mesotech's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    I have a small foam filled case that came with some piece of equipment (can't recall what it was now). I put spare tubes and fuses in it and leave it in the car. Even still, I generally carry along a spare amp also.
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  3. #3
    Forum Member JJ Gross's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    Spare tubes for the main amp.
    Spare amp for the main amp.
    Spare tubes for the spare amp.

    I drive a van and like little tube amps cranked up.
    "I bet your Momma was a tent-show Queen ..."

  4. #4
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    I favor bringin' a back-up amp. If my rig crashes an' burns in the middle of a set, I don' have time to horse around with trouble-shooting on-stage. The back-up is on-line in less than a minute an' I let my amp tech pick up the pieces.

    That said, I haven't "smoked" an amp in about thirty years (and it was not a Fender).

  5. #5
    Forum Member Stonefreefuzz1's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    I Always bring a backup amp with me just in case, I didn't bring it one time and low and behold that's when I needed it, lucky fo' me the fellows in th eband that just played let me borrow his rig. To avoid any problems just bring a back up. Ya never know!
    RIP Lacey Cat 1992-2009

  6. #6
    Forum Member Wilko's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    I don't even bring a spare. Never had a problem.

  7. #7
    Forum Member
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    I can't remember having an amp fail on me in a gig, but you never know. Anyway, thanks everyone for the suggestions.

  8. #8
    Forum Member refin's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    I usually take 2 amps,or one amp and a "direct-inject" preamp.
    As far as tubes,I generally put them between foam wedges in an old typewriter case,and take extras.
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  9. #9
    Forum Member JJ Gross's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    Small tackle boxes make awesome tube carriers.
    All those perfectly spaced compartments ...

    & dirt cheap too.
    "I bet your Momma was a tent-show Queen ..."

  10. #10
    Forum Member ziess's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    The only spare thing I take is a set of strings and a plectrum.
    Has anyone ever had a tube die on them during a set?

  11. #11
    Forum Member JJ Gross's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    Quote Originally Posted by ziess View Post
    The only spare thing I take is a set of strings and a plectrum.
    Has anyone ever had a tube die on them during a set?
    From my experience, tubes don't just suddenly die. They'll develop 'personality disorders' first, letting you know they don't play well with others. Then you can cut them from the herd before they overturn the Chuck Wagon.

    I did have a Sunn Beta Lead SS amp fry in the middle of a set more than once. The amp was not even a year old before it started giving me almost weekly problems. I hated that amp and only bought it on the advice of a friend - who's no longer a friend. When the cheap case fell apart, I didn't bother fixing it, I donated it to an electronics geek friend for parts. What a turd of an amp!
    "I bet your Momma was a tent-show Queen ..."

  12. #12
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Protecting tubes

    Quote Originally Posted by JJ Gross View Post
    I did have a Sunn Beta Lead SS amp fry in the middle of a set more than once. The amp was not even a year old before it started giving me almost weekly problems. I hated that amp and only bought it on the advice of a friend - who's no longer a friend. When the cheap case fell apart, I didn't bother fixing it, I donated it to an electronics geek friend for parts. What a turd of an amp!
    Ayup......a real "reeker" for sure. I'd put it on a par with Fender's "Zodiac" series. B'longs in the rock & roll hall of shame.

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