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Thread: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

  1. #81
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I guess I was 42.Now I have 2 Strats.92 and 96 American Standard.

  2. #82
    Forum Member Totally bored's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?


    Traded a big bagggie of Mexican for a Tele Custom. It was the 70's Man. I was a young hippy and it was groovy, Peace !

  3. #83
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    when I was 16, I got a 1970 or 71 big heaqstock 4 bolt custom color Stratocaster.Pissed it away a 5 years later.

  4. #84
    Forum Member stonetone's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    The piano wasn't cutting it anymore, if ever, so at age 12, I somehow obtained a Kay SG bass copy and tiny Gorilla amp. Then a cheap no-name acoustic at 14. Then, a couple years into college, I picked up a Squire Tele. After school, I ignored guitars and making music for too many years. At 30, I was offered a spot playing bass in a party band with some fellows from the office, so I picked up my first Fender, a new 2000 MIM Jazz Bass. Next up: a new 2001 MIA sunburst Tele. Then a 1999 MIA Hot Rod Precision in 2002. And then nothing for years, until last week when I picked up my first-ever Strat, a new American Standard.

    Incidentally, I traded the Squire on the Jazz Bass, which I totally regret. But hell, that band was half a gag anyway, and I didn't want to be out too much cash if it fizzled in a month...

    "Wait, it's a trap. Get an axe."

  5. #85
    Forum Member guitar george's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Last edited by guitar george; 07-19-2008 at 07:39 AM. Reason: Duplicate post

  6. #86
    Forum Member cooltone's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    double post..old thread alert!!
    "If you're cool, you don't know nothin' about it. It just is...or you ain't." - Keith Richards

  7. #87
    Forum Member Stonefreefuzz1's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Hmm When I was 14 I was playing alot of epiphone Lp's and when I was 14 I saved up and got a mexican standard tele, had that for about a year then sold it, then when I was 17 I got my first USA Fender, a got a USA white blond tele w/ SCN pups and a Maple fretboard. It was a great guitar and Felt so comfy, my first real strat. I did one of the most bonehead moves selling that one...don't even want to get into it lol.
    Last edited by Stonefreefuzz1; 10-30-2008 at 09:13 AM.
    RIP Lacey Cat 1992-2009

  8. #88
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    In 1968 I bought my first used Fender guitar, a Musicmaster. Don't know how old it was when I got it. I kept it for a few years and then in 1972 bought a '64 Strat from a friend of mine for $125. Happy to say I still have that one!
    My first Fender amp was a '65 Deluxe Reverb purchased in 1976. I think I paid $275. Happy to say I still have that one, as well.

  9. #89
    Forum Member javlib's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    46 when I got my first Strat, I still have it and a few Teles, a Zone bass, 68 Drip Edge Bandmaster, SF Vibro Champ, DRRI, and a little BXR 60 bass combo.
    Last edited by javlib; 01-11-2009 at 07:33 PM.

  10. #90
    Forum Member CTripodi's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was 20 years old in 1986 when I bought my first Strat. Matter of fact, it is my only Strat and I still play it today. Looking to get a Lonestar Deluxe if I can swing it.

  11. #91
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Another de-rail...I have played plenty of Stratocasters and a few tele's.
    Have never bought one for myself, though!

    My first Fender is the amp, the 67 DR, in '83 when I was 20.
    I didn't know what I had, and I never let it go.
    Now I love the 'lil son of a gun!

  12. #92
    Forum Member dhelgason1's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was 13 , 72 Telecaster Thinline black with Mother of Pearl pickguard. A year later I had it painted white. In 74 traded in for a Les Paul Custom , it didn't matter then but they tell me its a 72 year and probably was old stock at the store. I still miss that guitar ,my first good guitar and things never felt quit right till i got my strat last year. I guess I just wasn't a Gibson guy but it took me over 30 years to find out " slow learner " :-)

  13. #93

    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    My first exposure to Fender was wanting to buy a used $120 1966 sea foam green Mustang; I was 18 years old. Instead, my dad helped me out by springing for a brand new '72 ES335 purchased from West LA Music. His theory was the bolt on necks can't be very good. In hind sight I would have enjoyed the Mustang a lot more. Officially my first Fender was a 1966 Princeton amp purchased in '72 from Ace Music in Santa Monica, Ca. My first and best ever Fender guitar was a homemade Strat built in '75 which used a '73 Fender maple neck as the foundation. It wasn't until 1990 that I would buy a real Fender Strat and I have now owned 12 to date. The original homemade Strat is still in the family and is outstanding.

  14. #94
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    My first Fender was my second guitar - a '73 Fender Bronco, when I was 16. I promptly modded it with a Dremel so I could install a DiMarzio PAF in the neck position, and some sort of hot bridge pickup to compete. It was my main guitar for years.

    The first Fender amp I owned (as opposed to borowed) was a '57 5E3 Deluxe. My second was a '67 Dual Showman.

    I don't have any of them anymore.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
    Things to make them louder
    orange picks

  15. #95
    Forum Member Wilko's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    right after high school I bought a brand new Fender Bullet. It was a small-ish strat shape with a tele headstock. then I got a used Lead II.
    Shortly afer that I got my first "real" strat from another guitarist in the church group. 1977 ash natural hardtail with rosewood lam board.
    I still have it. (many strats have come and gone)

  16. #96
    Forum Member jnstrom's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was 13 when my dad gave me his 72 strat (well let me play it anyway).

  17. #97
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was 49. It was an American HH Strat. I could not convince my parents to spend the money on a Fender when I was young. I quit playing for a long time (going to engineering school, finding a wife, holding down jobs, and raising a family kept me busy). I got started back when I tried to show my teen aged son how to play.

  18. #98
    Forum Member AstroCreep's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    First Fenders were bought at 40 (current age). 1 MIM Roadhouse Strat, 4 Jazz and 2 P basses. You could say I went a little overboard, but I'm real happy .

  19. #99
    Forum Member djinn1973's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?


  20. #100
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    16 in 1974, bought a brand new sunburst strat with maple board. Back then, there was just a strat. You chose the color, the fingerboard and trem or hard tail, from whatever was available in the shop.

    that was it.

    no signature models.

    no made in xyz, they were all made in california, USA

    no budget models. That 444 dollars was a major fortune for me back then. I ended up selling that guitar for 125 dollars 5 years later, to pay medical bills from an uninsured motorcycle accident. The buyer had to buy a new neck and 2 new pickups to make the guitar playable. And I thought it was just me.

  21. #101
    Forum Member boritz's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    54 in February 2008 .

    Similar excuses - marry, raise family, pay mortgage etc.. etc..

    First guitar (acoustic) in 1962 when I was 9. First electric (Hagstrom Futurama II Deluxe - blue fibreglass body cover, white pickguard ) in 1963. Couple of others over the years (Yamaha, Cort).
    Amateur - started playing about 1963 - MIM Standard Strat (2007) Kinman FV-HMS pickups/K9 pots, GFS steel-block tremolo, VML Easy-Mute arm; MagicstopmEFTP/Zoom 508 Delay; Marshall VS30R Valvestate

  22. #102
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    About 19 years old. Paid $65 US + tax, in 1977, for a 1960 Fender Duo-Sonic that some idiot had covered in house paint.

    Still have her. My dad refinished her natural years ago, only finish is lemon oil.

  23. #103
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Krashpad View Post
    About 19 years old. Paid $65 US + tax, in 1977, for a 1960 Fender Duo-Sonic that some idiot had covered in house paint.

    Still have her. My dad refinished her natural years ago, only finish is lemon oil.

  24. #104
    Forum Member Frat Rettle's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Last birthday present to me.
    1988 MIJ Stratocaster with Gold Lace Fenders.
    For my 60th I have just purchased a circa 1988 MIJ Fernandes Telecaster.
    Cheers & Beers.
    I have decided to be happy because it's good for my health.

  25. #105
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I will buy a SRV type mutt someday.
    It just hasn't happened yet.
    I have six slots on my wall, and there is a bass occupying one of them.
    Um, other than that, It's a homemade bich (never going away). a Hamer Phantom A5 (also not), a Charvel Model 88 ( yeah, right, TRY to get it away from me), A Jackson DKMGT (main player), and a Kramer ST300...that one is likely to find another home, probably going to give it to a nephew. There's my hole, and it's going to be filled with either the right strat, or the right tele.

  26. #106
    Forum Member Hornchurch's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Quote Originally Posted by blair View Post

    I got my first Tele when I was 23......... that was 36 years ago!
    I'm in a similar position, just slightly younger !!!!!!!!

    Bought my 1st Fender (a brand-new USA 'Blonde' CBS Telecaster, 1977 model) way back in November '78, when I was 17 years old.

    Cost more money than my 1st car !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P/x'd it in 2001 (for Double what I paid for it) in exchange for a 1999 USA Am-Standard Olympic-White Stratocaster.

    No regrets on the axe, but wish I'd kept the gorgeous Tolex case

  27. #107
    Forum Member gaddis's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was very lucky and got my first Fender just days before my thirteenth birthday. It was a virtually new '67 Telecaster. I bought it for $75 with my saved up bank money. I think they cost a little more now.

  28. #108
    Forum Member cherokee747's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    My first Fender was in 1966, a 1965 Mustang!!! Played through a piggyback Vox Berkley. Crap tone, but then who knew.We played every song with a Fuzztone!!!LOL

  29. #109
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Got my first Fender Strat (a used 75 Strat) when I was 19.

    Got my first tele (a used 78 tele) when I was 20.

    Got my first Fender amp a Super Twin when I was 16.

  30. #110

    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I got my first fender when I was 7...a 71 Competition Mustang handed down from my grandpa and my aunt who made me promise never to sell glad they said that 'cause the more I get into guitar, the more I realize it has an awesome and unique tone and is wonderfully easy to play.

  31. #111
    Forum Member Direstraits's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I played a plywood acoustic & a rubbish cheap electric in my teens then guitar took a back seat for a while. I got back into it and bought my first "proper" guitar (a MIJ Strat) in 1989 at age 33. I still have it and have since added another (USA artist series) Strat, a Les Paul Studio & 2 other electrics as well as a couple of acoustics & a resonator.
    I sold my 60's Bird "Golden Eagle" amp as part of a part exchange in the 90's but still have a 70's WEM Dominator III and a Fender Princeton Chorus which is my main "bedroom" amp.
    Last edited by Direstraits; 10-29-2008 at 10:47 AM.

    When You point your finger 'cause your plan fell through, you've got 3 more fingers pointing back at you.

  32. #112
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Sept. 1972, 13th B-Day: Twin Reverb. I was in a working band playing weddings and parties and the like. Before the twin I was playing my Moms 65 Deluxe Reverb. She traded it for part of the Twin. <sigh> I wish I still had both those amps! That Christmas there was a Les Paul under the tree. Man I was a spoiled kid! (loved every minute of it!!!)

    - HR

  33. #113
    Forum Member Nairbr's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was 8 years old when my Dad bought the L series second hand in '67 then he died in '69 then my brother had it for about 12 years then got married and gave up music and I've had it eversince. This guitar is still in original condition apart from a refret done about 6 years ago because it was becoming unplayable.

    The 1st Fender that I bought was a new '80 Antigua Strat my Mum got me from England and it sounded like shit, it still to this day is the worst sounding guitar I've ever heard, really weak and thin sounding and it was pig heavy. Got rid of that and bought the Ibanez Blazer.

    My latest one is the Rory Gallagher is a keeper, hate the relic look thing, but sounds like awesome Pre L or L series Strat. As soon as I played it I knew I had to own it. I tried a lot of other CS Strats including 2 Masterbuilt's and this one is head and shoulders above the rest.

  34. #114
    Forum Member juniorspecial's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I saved up money from my job as a photographer's gopher and bought a used 1972 Stratocaster when I was 19. It cost $300.

    I had and played a Harmony Rocket with one pickup from the time I was 12, until I got the Strat. I didn't play the Rocket much after I got the Strat, even though it was a reasonably good guitar. It had a good neck, and a really low action. A couple years later I traded the Rocket for some weed.

    That Strat really wasn't that good a guitar. It had a three-bolt neck, and that would wobble around when the strings were bent. I find it funny the prices that early 1970s Fenders will fetch now, considering that many of them had real manufacturing problems.

    About 15 years ago I got one of the newer Strats, with the Wilkenson nut, and the tuners that clamp onto the strings, and the two-post trem, and the "trem-setter." It's a much better guitar. It'll stay in tune thru an earthquake!

  35. #115
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Quote Originally Posted by cherokee747 View Post
    My first Fender was in 1966, a 1965 Mustang!!! Played through a piggyback Vox Berkley. Crap tone, but then who knew.We played every song with a Fuzztone!!!LOL
    For me it was 1968 a 68 Mustang Bass
    and i was 14 and in 67 i got a 67 Bassman with the
    tall cab.
    I have had countless fenders in the last 40 years
    Presently i have 6 Fenders, three basses and three strats

    First Fender Amp, 67 blackface (taken in oct 67)

    My first Fender Bass, a Mustang (taken in 68)

    My first top of the line Fender, a 61 Jazz Bass (photo in new years 71)

    My First Fender Stratocaster a 61 sunburst (taken in sumer 71)
    Last edited by coldsteal2; 10-30-2008 at 02:57 PM.

  36. #116
    Forum Member Yardbird Mac's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I was 17 (1967) when I got my first FENDER amp, a 1966 Deluxe Reverb, and a 1967 Telecaster.

    I was 57 when I bought my first Strat. I actually ended up buying 2 MIM Standard Strats last year (2004 & 2006) about a month apart. I got rid of the newer one and kept the "04". I've done some mods to the Strat. I've replaced the maple fingerboard neck with a rosewood board, put Graphtech string trees on it, FENDER locking tuners, knurled chrome knobs, turned the tone control into a "master tone control" (works on all 3 Pups), and I'm going to replace the trem block with a Callahan unit.

    "03" Les Paul Standard (Ebony finish)
    "04" Les Paul 1959 Reissue (DarkBurst)
    "04" FENDER Standard Stratocaster (Sage Green) Rosewood fretboard - 2004 model

    2011 FENDER Deluxe Reverb RI
    2012 MESA/Boogie Express 5:50
    2013 MESA/Boogie Express 5:50 plus head with 2 23" 1 X 12 MESA LoneStar cabs

  37. #117
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Quote Originally Posted by cherokee747 View Post
    We played every song with a Fuzztone!!!LOL
    Was that the one that plugs into your guitar?

    This kid band I was in played top 40 of the time ('72) I don't know when "Satisfaction" came out, but our manager/music director gave me a fuzztone to use to play it. I was 12 so I was stunned, so cool.
    My next hip device was a "fender blender" vintage 73 or 74. Then on to the Big Muff. I think the wooden box it came in lasted longer than the pedal. Seemed like small wooden boxes came in handy back then. ;-)

    I'll have to scan some pics, my Mom gave me a big scrap book a few years back. Big fun.

    - HR

  38. #118
    Forum Member NMCA_Ron's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    I got my first Fender when I was 18 years old and a freshman in college. I had a really nice triple-nickel plated 1979 Mongoose BMX bike with a set of Skyway Tuff-II graphite wheels on it. This was a slick setup, but I didn't want to ride it around campus. One of my brother's buddies had a 2-year old MIA Fender Bullet with a nice Fender hardshell case and a small 15W Peavey amp. This fellow was left-handed and was tired of trying to learn to play right-handed on the Bullet, so he suggested a trade. He rode away on the Mongoose and I have been playing the Bullet ever since.

    One of those things that will always chap me, though.... Those graphite Skyways are now worth over $1000 a pair. Whodathunkit?

    Here is a pic of my first Fender:

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  39. #119
    Forum Member cherokee747's Avatar
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    HotRod, mine was a floor pedal. Can't remember the model.It sounded great for Satisfaction,Yardbirds stuff,ect.I just didn't know when to turn the shit off!!! Mike

  40. #120
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    Re: How old are u when u get your first Fender?

    Quote Originally Posted by cherokee747 View Post
    HotRod, mine was a floor pedal. Can't remember the model.It sounded great for Satisfaction,Yardbirds stuff,ect.I just didn't know when to turn the shit off!!! Mike
    Mine was like a '70's Dan Armstrong effect, it plugged straight in to the guitar. I can't find any pics on the web. Sounded really cool though (best I can remember!)

    - HR

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