Looks nice. Could just be the ticket for my '66 bassman head.
Looks nice. Could just be the ticket for my '66 bassman head.
Looks pretty stylin, if they take off that logo on the bottom.
There's no tiltback or thumbscrews. Not that anybody really uses those anymore. I'd probably dump the speakers, too.
At that point, you might just be better off going with Mojo.
Several guitars in different colors
Things to make them fuzzy
Things to make them louder
orange picks
It's the right size, but has no hardware. Also can't tell whether is same on inside. My friend has one of the original ones in blonde and it is a killer cab. But I think you can still get the good old ones with hardware (tilt-back legs and head mounting) for about 3-4 bills.
Celestions in a Fender cab? I'd be more likely to put a Marshall through this cab. I had an original 2x12 in the old days with the celestion speakers added and used it to great effect with a JTM45 reissue head.
I wonder why they're putting these in this cab when Jensen is making more-correct replacement speakers...
"I'm gonna find myself a girl
that can show me what laughter means
And we'll fill in the missing colors
In each other's paint-by-number dreams..."
I wouldn't consider the SICCA Jensens a 'correct' replacement. Emminence would be a much better choice. I don't think that Weber is a real option for them, because they can't get the pricing they need to be competititve.
Brian Setzer does pretty well with Celestions in his, but they're older V30s, and not some generic Chinese Celestion replacement.
Several guitars in different colors
Things to make them fuzzy
Things to make them louder
orange picks
And don't forget that cab is "designed" to specifically go with the new "Vintage Modified" Bandmaster that has digital effects built in and it's own "overdrive" setting. So they're not really going for a vintage spec, per se. ;-)
I played one of these - I mean the Bandmaster VM is very sterile and crappy IMHO. The cabinet is a decent price point and it is the only BF cabinet that Fender currently makes in this size but there are Celestions and Celestions.....these are pretty cheap, thin sounding ones with typical heavy mids and undefined highs. Also the cabinet is Baltic Birch Plywood like a Marshall. I think Fender has a deal with Celestion now since so many of the newer technology amps have them now (Supersonic and even the CS Vibro King 2x12 extension etc.)
If you take the G12H Heritage Celestions (yes, I know they are not cheap) and A/B them with Jensen reissues (which actually have gotten better as you state), Eminence (Cannabis Rex and Swamp Thang) in a SOLID PINE Bandmaster sized cabinet which I did, I ended up falling in love with the Celestions - they are not the normal Green Backs - they are a heavy magnet (hence the H) and voiced very similar to a JBL if you dig that sound like I do. The G12H Heritage speakers are actually getting cheaper here (weak UK Pound and strong Euro). I will buy a pair to put in a 2x12 solid pine cabinet in the size of an original sized smaller Bandmaster cabinet (32"x21"x11.5")in the next few weeks. It does sound very fendery with a bit more bass definition and all the highs that you want and really nice creamy breakup when pushed or the amp starts to break up - not very mid sounding like many Celestions and like the ones in the Bandmaster VM cabinet.
The G12H Heritage and G12H Anniversary are not to be confused - Anniversary = different voice and made in China (nothing really wrong with that) and G12H Heritage = original specs, voice and design made in England.
Jimi Hendrix used the G12H in his Fenders when he was in England and could not get JBLs - at least I read that somewhere on the interweb FWIW.....
Speakers are a very personal thang though.......I personally dig these Celestions in a Fender (have not found others though)
"Sorry" - John Belushi as he smashed a guitar in Animal House
"I'm gonna find myself a girl
that can show me what laughter means
And we'll fill in the missing colors
In each other's paint-by-number dreams..."
i have the big bassman cab with a bluedog and a greenback. sounds killer with my bassman, which has a brown and a black channel. i think silver heads sound great through them also. but i agree with the kap, the browns kill through celestions.
"don't worry, i'm a professional!"