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Thread: EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

    Well, Ive been thinking of trying to recreate EVH's supposed Cabinet set up for the VH-1 album, which is reported to be JBL's ( D-120's) and Greenbacks( 20 watters) in a 4x12 Marshall Cabinet. The deal is, Van Halen did it so that he could get the best of both worlds.JBL Cleans and Greenback Distortion.Im not sure if he ran a 4x12 JBL cabinet along with a 4x12 greenback cabinet at the same time, or if he mixed them in the same 4x12 cabinet
    Does anyone know anything about this, anyone tried it? How would it sound with a Marshall 100 watt head?

  2. #2
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

    I am building a somehat similar setup, but I don't think running both at same time makes sense. My in-prgress prototype set-up is an old Magnatone V-front 2x12 stereo 280 combo cabinet loaded with a Jensen P12P and a JBL-like speaker (EV SRO). I have two heads. One the homemade Gristo Gigmaster 35 watt BF Lux clean machine type goes in the Maggie cab. The other, a homemade tweedish (Gibson GA8 on steroids) I will stack on top of it. However, I will have the BF chassis wired to the SRO and the GA8+ head wired to the refurbished Jensen. Then I have an ABY to play with. The GA8+ gets a boost and delay. The BF clone gets a few more pedals routed to it. The reason for this set-up is I like to get both cleanish country-like twang tones from the BF amp, as well as some different overdrive sounds; but really love and can't get the Neil Young/Pearl Jam wooly distortion from anything other than a cranked tweed-liike circuit. This one is about 12-14 watts, but like an AC15 has some serious cut and volume through my P12P. Sorry to ramble on, but thought you might be interested since I am already doing this.

  3. #3
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    Re: EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gris View Post
    I am building a somehat similar setup, but I don't think running both at same time makes sense. My in-prgress prototype set-up is an old Magnatone V-front 2x12 stereo 280 combo cabinet loaded with a Jensen P12P and a JBL-like speaker (EV SRO). I have two heads. One the homemade Gristo Gigmaster 35 watt BF Lux clean machine type goes in the Maggie cab. The other, a homemade tweedish (Gibson GA8 on steroids) I will stack on top of it. However, I will have the BF chassis wired to the SRO and the GA8+ head wired to the refurbished Jensen. Then I have an ABY to play with. The GA8+ gets a boost and delay. The BF clone gets a few more pedals routed to it. The reason for this set-up is I like to get both cleanish country-like twang tones from the BF amp, as well as some different overdrive sounds; but really love and can't get the Neil Young/Pearl Jam wooly distortion from anything other than a cranked tweed-liike circuit. This one is about 12-14 watts, but like an AC15 has some serious cut and volume through my P12P. Sorry to ramble on, but thought you might be interested since I am already doing this.
    Sounds like you know waht you are doing!

  4. #4
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

    I stuck a pair of Kustom GOK in the top half of a 5150 slant cab and left the Sheffields in the bottom.

    It give both the bass/low I want and the snotty midrange I need.

    Does that count?

  5. #5
    Forum Member Fripperton's Avatar
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    Re: EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

    Mixing speakers has been around for a while. I knew guys back in the mid 70's that would use 2 JBLs and something cheap like 2 Radio Shack 12's to accomplish the same thing. It worked then, it works now.

    If aliens listened to our current top 40, they'd think that the entire planet was populated by sexually ambivalent robots with ethnic insecurity.

  6. #6
    Forum Member dzguitar10's Avatar
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    Re: EVH Sound- Useing Greenbacks and JBl's together?

    My guitar rig I used for all shows in the 80's consisted of (2) Marshall 2204 heads (50 watt) and (2) Marshall 1960A cabinets. One cabinet was loaded with v30 Celestions and the other with G12-75's. I was running a stereo setup with a rack that included an Alesis Quadraverb and a few other items. One sweet sounding rig... but loud as hell! Of course we were playing in 1000-2000 seat clubs and theaters. 'Twas the days of "hair metal" and arena rock!

    Later I built a Marshall 1960B clone and dropped in (2) v30's and (2) G12-75's along with a stereo switch. Still using the 2204's and going without the rack. Instead using a DD-3 and wah. Great sounding... still loud when needed... less back pain.

    Now... HRDx rebuilt by TJ and still have the 4 x 12 up above. More pedals used but much more manageable volume from small to medium sized venues and my back is very happy. So are the club patrons and owners!

    I plan on building a tweed covered 2 x 12 cabinet to go with the Hot Rod Pro from TJ and right now can't decide on a speaker combination but I'll get some suggestions from TJ and Phantomman.

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