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Thread: 70th Annv. G12H-30's

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Central Texas , USA

    70th Annv. G12H-30's

    I'm talking Celestion speakers here of course. Heres my opinion- save your money and get the Heritage. The 70th Avvv.'s are made in China, whilst the Heritages are still made in England, not that that makes a difference. The Heritages are about a hundred bucks more expensive, ranging around 249.00 I believe. I played a pair of the Anniversary's against the real deal vintage G12h-30's of which I have two in my 4x12 Marshall cabinet and theAnnv.'s are not very good speakers IMO. Im going to try the Heritage whenever I can swing it.The Heritages are supposed to be much more accurate represenrtations of the old G12H-30's from the late sixties and the 70's.
    Heck, for the price of the used Heritages, I might be able to find the real McCoys.

    EDIT_06/01/09...actually warming up to those ANNVs. They do have some taught and round bass , but with more expressive upper mids and highs than the better ( actually significantly better ) lows/low mids of the EV12l for comparison. After some extensive playing, they are pretty darn good for the price, and I dare say, they may even have some merits above and beyond the Heritage..
    Last edited by jerryjg; 06-01-2009 at 08:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    spanish for lard.

    Re: 70th Annv. G12H-30's

    speakers need to break in, they always sound stiff to begin with.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

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