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Thread: Dot studio home recording troubles

  1. #1
    Forum Member Jonnda's Avatar
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    Dot studio home recording troubles

    A freind of mine complained to me that he didn't like the sound he got from plugging his epi dot studio "directly" into his mac computer (via some type of box). I volinteered to help him out, and though I don't have all the details now, I'll be hanging out at his house tomarrow and I'll get back to ya'll.

    I suggested he go through an amp, and we could try changeing the pickups.

    But I thought I'd ask TFFers about the things they do to get the best sound they can get out of a simple home computer recording system.

    So what do you like to do?
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  2. #2
    Forum Member boobtube21's Avatar
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    Re: Dot studio home recording troubles

    I mic my Vibrolux, no matter what I'm playing. Bass, guitar, pedal steel...anything is better than going direct in.

    Bass can actually be ok direct in, but I still prefer the amp.

    If mic'ing an amp is somehow not doable, I guess you could go line out from the amp...not sure if that sounds better than direct into the interface or not. You could get a Zoom or POD or something, that should help.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Dot studio home recording troubles

    The problem you may have with a Dot is the muddy low end of the stock pickups. I'd use a compressor to even it out a bit and add some pop to the bottom. It may sound a little clicky on the top but overall it should be better.
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