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Thread: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

  1. #1
    Forum Member thegeezer's Avatar
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    Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I played Friday at a club until 1. I got home at 3 and I am still tired, Am I the only geezer that suffers this phenomenon and what do you do about it, Two nights in a row almost kills me.

  2. #2
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    You're not alone. I'm 56 and even though my gigging days are long over I know of a few guys my age who play out less because of "stamina issues." They love playing but it kills them anymore.

    Things sure have changed since we were in our 20's. I use to be able to work full time and play in the evenings with no nap in between, then get 4 hours of sleep and then do it all over again for a week or two at a time!

  3. #3
    Forum Member Fedora's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    My next gig is at a senior care center and 1:30 in the afternoon.
    Should be able to recover from that pretty quickly.
    As geezers, maybe this is our place.
    Only kidding....but I think I'll enjoy it.
    Solo acoustic/harmonica thing.

  4. #4
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I think its more a state of conditioning than age. For the last 10 years or so I've worked my 50+ hr/wk day job, played up to 5 nights/wk (some gigs with up to 6 hrs one-way drive time) and managed to squeeze in at least 10 hrs/wk at a part time job.

    I'll be 63 this year.

  5. #5
    Forum Member thegeezer's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Laker I am originally From Ashland, are you familiar with the town?

  6. #6
    Forum Member dhelgason1's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Wow laker , I get tired just thinking about your schedule! 63 ,that sounds more like the sched of a 36yr old. I'm retired from my 40 hr week job ,work at a 20-30hr week part time job ( changes on the demand from week to week ) practice with our band 4 hrs week but as the other members of the band are all military one or the other can be away at any given time so gigs are hard to book and we have stopped for now. Some times with house and family I feel stressed for time and I am dragging by 11PM. Don't know how you do it. Oh yeah I'm just 50.

  7. #7
    Forum Member Mesotech's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I agree with Laker, I think it's more a factor of conditioning than age. Though I don't have quite as hectic of a schedule as he does, nor am I 63 (I'm 46), I don't seem to have any problems recovering from 3 gigs a week, a full time day job, and still raising 5 kids at home (the 6th moved out 3 years ago). It's something I've become accustomed to doing.

  8. #8
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Yeah, there's only two ways to do it. The best way is to get in shape. The other way is through heavy medication. Ive done both. Only the first way is sustainable, unles yer like my brother the human pickle ... :=O

  9. #9
    Forum Member thegeezer's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I have degenerative disc disease and a lot of back problems, not trying to make excuses but they are a big factor, Plus I can't get the adrenaline to behave after a gig and can't sleep and our band takes one break in a four hour gig. I agree with the conditioning thing if you can do it.

  10. #10
    Forum Member dubya's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    It is definitely diet and conditioning.

  11. #11
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by thegeezer View Post
    I have degenerative disc disease and a lot of back problems, not trying to make excuses but they are a big factor, Plus I can't get the adrenaline to behave after a gig and can't sleep and our band takes one break in a four hour gig. I agree with the conditioning thing if you can do it.

    Yeah, me too. My wife dragged me to the gym but just plain walking - like 3x a week for about 2 miles helped my back and stamina more than anything...

  12. #12

    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I'm only 39 and it gets me too. One reason is I have a really bad back as well. It's also a lot of stress if you tense up at all on stage. For me, the more emotional the show the more beat up I get. Last night was about average for me as far as intense playing goes, but being out of shape will do that to you. The adrenaline can keep me up for a while too, that doesn't help.

    For me it takes a lot of energy to perform in this band, and the adreneline is flowing -that and a lot of gear to lug around and set up. I believe if I was in better shape it would be easier.
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  13. #13
    Forum Member cooltone's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by thegeezer View Post
    Laker I am originally From Ashland, are you familiar with the town?

    Hey, I'm familiar with Ashland! I go there on occasion to help transport patients to the hospital, here in Duluth.

    My wife and I make the trip to Bayfield every fall, too.

    I agree with the recoup time issue. For me, it's arthritis and a left shoulder seperation. All night gigs become painful. I prefer doing a short set or open mic nights anymore.
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  14. #14
    Forum Member refin's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I'm 53,and play weekends....I do okay as far as stamina.The place we play gives us a tab,so I normally get a meal to go.Eating at 1:00-1:30 in the morning is not real good,especially when it is a literal 3/4 lb. hamburger,so I try to get something lighter.No real load in or load out---we are the house band,so the stuff just goes in another corner of the building.The club is 2 miles from my house,I set up a simple 1-12" Hartke bass rig,and I'm off.I do have a bad sciatic nerve,so sometimes it flares up.
    The hard thing is my other band practices on Sunday afternoons,so mentally preparing for that (instead of chillin') is difficult.
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  15. #15
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by thegeezer View Post
    Laker I am originally From Ashland, are you familiar with the town?
    I've played on Madeline Island a couple of times so I know I've driven through Ashland.

    Since the first of this year I've stepped back from playing (trying to figure out if I still want to do this anymore) and I find life is really great when you have time to enjoy it. I always thought that playing music was my driving force so I've missed a lot of family related events over the years.

    I did play a gig one night at Edgerton, WI where I was so dead tired on stage that I fell asleep in the middle of Chicago's "Make Me Smile" (I met a past member of another Fender forum, TeresaJ at this gig). I must have played on autopilot for a few measures before, kind of, waking up and looking around at my bandmates to see if anyone noticed any mistakes. The band played on and no one ever realized I had dozed off while standing and playing on stage...really a freaky event.

  16. #16
    Forum Member Dr Fene's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by dubya View Post
    It is definitely diet and conditioning.

    Probably but a check up and blood test would not go amiss.

  17. #17
    Forum Member Toneseeker's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I used to gig an average of 5 nights a week back when the entertainment industry was thriving and you could get the work. Nowadays I gig about 1 night a week and Yes it takes me a couple of days to recover. 2 Nights is also a killer for me. I'm 52. However I must add that for the past few months the and I have been swimming regularly 3-4 nights a week and it has made a difference.
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  18. #18
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I don't know about gigging, but I installed a new exhaust system in my car on Saturday. It took all day because I had to cut the studs in the cat and drill them out.

    I feel like I fell down the stairs a few times! Every muscle aches!

  19. #19
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    im used to waking up at 230 a.m.its a little rough coming in from the club when i should be waking up...

  20. #20
    Forum Member thegeezer's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I think I will try bike riding!

  21. #21
    Forum Member Wilko's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    I'm almost 46 and was barely alive for all of Sunday. I sing and play lead.

    Saturday I played a 1 hour set at 2:30 in the afternoon in 95 degree heat. Then a 9:30 to 1:30 gig that night. Baby wakin' me up at 5 and 6. Got up at 7. Nap from 2-3:30.

    I don't get good sleep because of apnea, and I'm in horrible shape.

  22. #22
    Forum Member thegeezer's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Sorry to hear of your sleep disorder.

  23. #23
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    my problem is that i can't go to sleep when i get home, it doesn't matter how tired i am. i'm only 27, but am dead to the world on sunday. period. i make it through the rest of the week just fine, but 5-7 days in i can't hang.
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  24. #24
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    i am usually so heavily medicated i have no trouble sleeping, LOL

  25. #25
    Forum Member thegeezer's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gris View Post
    i am usually so heavily medicated i have no trouble sleeping, LOL
    To each their own Gris, I don't drink.

  26. #26

    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wilko View Post
    I don't get good sleep because of apnea, and I'm in horrible shape.
    That's me too. Sleep apnea is a horrible catch 22 situation....

    Sleep apnea can be caused by being overweight, and it also causes you to have a horrible diet pattern as your body craves calories/sugar and carbs at certain times of the day. When I was talking to my Dr several years ago about losing weight he said, "You are having strong cravings for carbs and sugar after 7-8 pm, but don't all day? Sounds like you are not getting enough sleep"

    Fuzz is proof God love us and wants us to be happy. - Franklin

  27. #27
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: Why does it take so long to recouperate!

    Quote Originally Posted by thegeezer View Post
    To each their own Gris, I don't drink.
    Yeah, I don't drink very much either.

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