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Thread: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

  1. #41
    Forum Member refin's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    I hate rewiring 335s..........
    "My flesh and my heart fail...but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
    PS. 73:26

    MY JAMS--

  2. #42
    Forum Member Wilko's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    It's really not that hard if you're good with your hands and have the right tools.

    A coat hanger is key.

  3. #43
    Forum Member NTBluesGuitar's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    I'm still procrastinating on changing the neck pickup on my AF-75. I've got the pickup and everything. This thread doesn't make it any easier.

    I can definitely hear a nice improvement on cut and clarity for sure, although the first one didn't sound bad. I can see how the first one would appeal to the tone-controls-rolled-off crowd.

    Cool thread. Thanks for sharing.
    "...pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field;
    that, of course, they are many in number; or that, after all, they are other than the little,
    shriveled, meagre, hopping, though loud and troublesome, insects of the hour."

    -Edmund Burke

  4. #44
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    I really appreciate all the comments and discussion!!!

    There really is a bunch more note definition with the upgrades I think. Before I only used it on straight-ahead stuff and it did work fine for that, but it's an all-around player now. In particular I also think there's a world of difference between the two clips on that last bit with the OCD overdrive with the bridge pickup. Again, at least to my ears.

    Oh, and the nut was replaced with necrotic human bone. Man is the most dangerous game, and also the most toneful game. ;-)

  5. #45
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by cwilliamrose View Post
    I can get under the bridge cavity with a bit of angle to spare. Hold the jack with needle nose pliers, insert dowel, etc. This goes in first because of the locations of the other components.

    Thanks again Pete, you got me thinking about this in detail...........Bill
    That dowel thing is awesome. Since it goes in first you won't run into the other components and have the jack slip back off as you pull it through.

    Wilko is right, a coat hanger would work too, but the way you have your dowel carved to look like a 1/4" jack is just too groovy for words. Sometimes form must prevail over function.

  6. #46
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by pc View Post
    Oh, and the nut was replaced with necrotic human bone. Man is the most dangerous game, and also the most toneful game. ;-)
    Moses supposes his toeses necrosis....
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  7. #47
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Wow Kap'n. Had a real "car wreck" thing with that clip. Wanted to look away but had to watch the whole thing.

    BTW, a portion of my right arm, the upper half of my radius in particular, is entirely necrotic human bone from some dead guy. Possibly Gene Kelly. And it is by far the most toneful of my two elbows.

  8. #48
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Tonal transplant!
    Several guitars in different colors
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  9. #49
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Y'all ain't right

  10. #50
    Forum Member clayville's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    It's PEOPLE!!

    ps: part of my left radius is made out of shavings from my hip.

  11. #51

    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Very cool! The playing was great too!
    Fuzz is proof God love us and wants us to be happy. - Franklin

  12. #52
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by cwilliamrose View Post
    Not to hijack your thread, but;

    Quick&Dirty Test -- How about a 5/16" dowel shaped like a long plug. I can get this much angle through my jack hole. The nut and washer fit over the dowel.

    I can get under the bridge cavity with a bit of angle to spare. Hold the jack with needle nose pliers, insert dowel, etc. This goes in first because of the locations of the other components.

    Thanks again Pete, you got me thinking about this in detail...........Bill
    Nice work! Did you make that CAD model?

  13. #53
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Another clip. A track of rhythm playing (doubled in the mix and split stereo) and a track of lead. Luis Bonfa's "Manha de Carnaval," also sometimes known as "Black Orpheus" and/or "A Day in the Life of a Fool." HS-35 into the DRRI, a little DD-20 slap delay. You can also hear my laundry tumbling in the background.

    Some Latin Jazzin'
    Last edited by pc; 09-19-2009 at 12:20 PM.

  14. #54
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    Nice work! Did you make that CAD model?
    Thanks Don! Yes, that's my work. I started my build in CAD just trying to prove it could be done as I envisioned it. I now have a pretty complete model of the whole thing and it's really handy for things like trying this idea. I also did some structural analysis and I know what it will weigh and where the CG is. I later tried to prove I had the skills to build it -- that part's ongoing. .......Bill

  15. #55
    Forum Member clayville's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    I like that a lot too Pete, especially the dynamics and snap in the lead track. Like the earlier clip, the clarity across the strings is a highlight, and the highs on the snappier stuff and the warmth in the softer playing all stand out.

    On the rhythm, fwiw, the clarity is still dialed in wonderfully on those triads (maybe middle position?)... but to my tin ear it seems just a hint brighter than what I usually expect for bossa, and the slapback is just a hair too prominent to leave the lead space, umm, unadulterated (if that makes any sense.

    But hey! For a laundry room quickie it sounds terrific and I realize you weren't trying to create perfection in the capture or the mix. Cool beans.

  16. #56
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Had I given it any thought I would not have used the DD-20 at all on the rhythm track. It was already on when I hit record and I didn't really change anything, even when I enabled the second track. You're right though; had I really planned it out I would have rolled off the tone a bit for the rhythm track for sure, or EQ'd it in the mix.

    Was just noodlin' around.

  17. #57
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by cwilliamrose View Post
    Thanks Don! Yes, that's my work. I started my build in CAD just trying to prove it could be done as I envisioned it. I now have a pretty complete model of the whole thing and it's really handy for things like trying this idea. I also did some structural analysis and I know what it will weigh and where the CG is. I later tried to prove I had the skills to build it -- that part's ongoing. .......Bill
    What program did you use? I'm a mechanical designer/3D solid modeler. I've used Pro/E for the past 12 years and recently started on Solidworks because there's more opportunities with that program in my area.

    Where'd you get the density for the laminates?

  18. #58
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kap'n View Post
    That scene's pretty awesome!

  19. #59
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    Re: Geeky gear minutiae thread with clips (335 clone)

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    What program did you use?
    SWx 2008.

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    I'm a mechanical designer/3D solid modeler. I've used Pro/E for the past 12 years and recently started on Solidworks because there's more opportunities with that program in my area.
    I had the same profession until the end of last year. I've been using SWx for about 11 years, Cadkey before that. No exposure to Pro-E except doing file translations. There are very few SWx opportunities in this area but when one comes along, I have a lot of experience to offer -- not that it's done me any good so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    Where'd you get the density for the laminates?
    That's easy, I'm using aluminum. I weighed the necks and got a CG, then messed with the density and cut some material out of the headstock until I got it to match the real parts. The other purchased parts have been weighed and had similar treatment to get them right.

    In case you haven't seen it, I've had a build thread going since May. Lots of design details have been and will be discussed. I'd be happy to have your comments.......Bill

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