So I'm back to playing the guitar after a work-induced hiatus! Trying to finish that Homebrew Tele that has been sitting in my closet. A couple decisions first. Want to get it sprayed now while it's winter, mild, and the humidity and bugs aren't too bad (I live in Savannah, GA)!

1. What color? It's an ash body so my first thought was Mary Kaye white...until cockroaches crapped all over it and stained it. Would bleach get the crap stains out and not mess up the wood color? If so, what bleach do I use? Would mildew stain removed from Lowe's work? If not, I'm just going to do some Lake Placid Blue lookalike Duplicolor and Deft clear.

Pic of stains:

Untitled by dafack01, on Flickr

2. What grain filler? Would the stew-Mac stuff work alright?

3. I have an apartment and a standalone non-climate controlled garage. Any cheap and easy solutions to prevent dust clinging to the finish or will wet sanding take care of it?

4. Any instructions on wet sanding to make sure I do it right?

5. Deft or wipe-on Poly for the neck?

Thanks for the help!!