Got my FMIC Gretsch back from the shop, replacing the stock HS Flitertrons for some TV Jones Classics.
These have totally transformed the guitar. While before it was a nice sounding guitar, the TV Classics give it all the clarity, snap and jangle a Gretsch should have. Though my Super Reverb clone, it sounds great for all sorts of pop stuff, and through the Ampeg it's jazzy.
Wheras before I almost never used the neck pickup by itself, or the mud switch, I'm messing with them all the time - they're much more usable. The stock HS Filtertrons were darker sounding with a bit of a treble spike.
A bit expensive for pickups, but I'd say they're worth every penny. Or more correctly, FMIC should put these in every Filtertron Gretsch stock. I'd bet they'd sell a bunch more.