Got a new toy today! It shipped FAST too. Shipped out yesterday and arrived today. A lightly used PRS Korina SE! I can't even see any playing wear on it. Haven't had much time to give it a good test run yet but promising so far. The neck and fretwork are perfect. It really is flawlessly built. It's heavier than my Soapy SE but not Les Paul heavy. Probably by a pound or so (my soapy is really light though).
Haven't given it a good A/B yet to my Soapy, at least with apples to apples. The Korina has brand spanking new 9's on it and my Soapy has old crusty year and half old 10's on it (been lazy the past few months since my return from a hiatus and just haven't replaced the strings yet). Gonna change the strings on both to 10's and have at it tomorrow after work! Can't wait!
Initial impressions are that, compared to the Soapy, the Korina is (here we go with the vague adjectives) "rounder" on the wound strings, generally thicker sounding, and has more of a chirp to the mids. It'll be interesting to compare when both have fresh strings. The strings on the Soapy are pretty dead; I bet fresh strings will add some twang to the Soapy; there's not much twang to the Korina.
Obligatory pics below.
Korina SE:
The whole family, including the Tele that's still in the oven: