Any tips on how to increase fretting hand strength? My fretting hand starts cramping up when playing spaced-out chords, Especially at the top of the neck.
Any tips on how to increase fretting hand strength? My fretting hand starts cramping up when playing spaced-out chords, Especially at the top of the neck.
Got them Statesboro Blues
Stretching. If you're cramping up take a look at your hand and arm position. Arm and wrist should be straight. Maybe try getting one of those squeezy balls, or the Chinese relaxation balls? IDK exactly what they are called but they come in a set of two and you spin them around in you hand. I know how that reads, but it's difficult to explain without dirty undertones.
"don't worry, i'm a professional!"
Stretching, like Chuck said....and practice. Things like those finger weights are a really, really bad idea. You could really screw up your hand.
Several guitars in different colors
Things to make them fuzzy
Things to make them louder
orange picks
Play with heavier gauge strings for a while.
I think part of the problem has just been sporatic practice all summer. My summer has been chaotic (in a good way). I rarely use my acoustic; might have to use it more, if anything to increase hand strength.
Got them Statesboro Blues
I'll go with wrist position as a first guess. It's the root of most guitar playing ills.
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
I realized that warming up with scale work first really helps. So warming up before a "workout" helps. Go figure.
Got them Statesboro Blues