Here she is! I'm getting real close to being done with this guitar. So close that I'm having to calm and slow myself down so as not to mess it up in the last straight away... I've been known, here and there, to do that.
Info on parts and such, in case you've forgot or I didn't mention it in previous posts. I started amassing parts for this guitar "many moons ago", it's been close to 12 years that I've been dreaming this thing up. Gotten side tracked too many times, and also forgot about it. I'm using a 1969 Fender Shenandoah neck i bought off Ebay for a good price. The body i bought from a good friend for $75, unfinished, it needed a lot of work to finish out. It started life as a NAMM project, but that fell by the wayside as my buddy decided to build something else for it. It is technically a real Fender body as it was cutout in the Custom Shop. Tuners, bridge, and tailpiece are also Fender. Pickups I just got from Angeltone music, they are close copies of the pickups in my Jazzmaster. They are custom "one off" pups, assembled and wound to my specs. A3 magnets in the bridge pup, and A5 mags for the neck.
I'm using Alpha 500k audio taper pots, a pulled "Tropicap" brand .047uf cap, and Switchcraft jack and selector. The guard (won't be uncovered til it's complete) is made by Terrapin Guitars, it's a chrome mirror with no cutouts for the dreaded "rhythm circuit". This will also get straplocks, probably the cool Fender ones i bought awhile ago.
I'm planning on finishing this guitar sometime this week, the nut is roughed out and I need to mod the tailpiece. Like i said, I'm working REALLY hard to take it slow and not "screw the pooch" in the last bit.
If you got any questions, feel free to ask. I think I got everything I've done to make this beast work. If I were to do this again I'd buy a Jazzmaster, then buy a neck from Warmoth as they now offer a vintate correct version of the "hockey stick" neck. Sadly they didn't when I started this project... Oh well, that's life!
So, without any further ado, HERE SHE IS!!!