So I'm putting my guitar pedalboard back together and was ruminating on what OD pedal I was going to buy to complete it. I dug thru my pedal cabinet to find some power and patch cables when I came across it... DUH!!! I TOTALLY forgot I had one. So I blew the dust off and plugged her in. She sounds good, real good thru my rig. I know that this pedal isn't really "in vogue" anymore, but damn, it's working and sounding great! I haven't decided if I like the "FM" or "Vintage" setting yet. But I think I need to hear it in a band setting to decide. From what I remember, solo they sound pretty similar, but in "context" the switch makes more of a difference.
So let that be a lesson to ya'll; as hard as you try, you can still be a
And for those interested parties, here's what I'm rolling:
Kustom Jazzmaster or Tele
Tuner, 80's Ibanez compressor, FDII, Kustom RAT clone (built and tuned by me), Visual Sound Axle Grease delay, T Rex tap delay. Into the high gain input of my Donovan Amps B15 Flip Top (running thru two Celestion green backs) with the low gain input jumper'd into my Donovan Amps "Cowboy" amp. I'll try to get a pic up.