I have been spending the past 4 - 6 weeks trying out a variety of guitar cables. I had been using some Monster Rock cables for several years and I was starting to have some problems with two of them. I returned them to the local guitar center for new ones. The clerk said that they were out of Monster but I could pick anything else they had in stock. My buddies use Mogami and won't shut up about them so I got two Mogami Gold 18 foot cables. I really liked them! They sounded "clearer" than the Monster cables and were much more flexible, yet more durable feeling and very light weight. The Monster 1/4" plug is a pain in the ass!
So, that got me started. I had become cable agnostic. I viewed all cables as equal until I got the Mogami Golds. I demo'd 8 different brands (Whirlwind, George L's, Mogami, Lava, Planet Waves, Rapco, Vox and Monster) between buying (and returning) many cables. Not to mention different cable models within a brand.
What I learned was that there is really an audible difference with guitar cables! With some cables it is subtle but with others the difference is dramatic. Also, cables can have a certain a mechanical feel as well. Some sounded good but were stiff and even heavy physically. Out of this sampling I purchased several new cables to gig with.
My overall favorite cable was the Mogami Gold. Very clear and natural sounding. The cable feels good physically too. My other favorite cable offered a VERY different sound that was excellent for Fender single coil guitars: The Lava Retro Coil cable. This cable slight attenuates the high end and adds some mids. It really makes a strat sing! And it feels heavy, but in a cool way. It reminds me of my garage band days in the late 1960's. It is very cool. I use the Mogami for Gibson guitars and the Lave Retro Coil for Fender guitars.
I liked George L's sonically but the cable felt kind of flimsy and the plug on one came apart when I aggressively pulled it out of the amp. I guess I need soldered connections to make me happy. I am a snob in that sense. Hell I still solder my speaker connections in my amps. No slide on connectors for me.
What guitar cable do you use?