But can anyone recommend a book that I could learn some jazz songs from. ?
But can anyone recommend a book that I could learn some jazz songs from. ?
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.
C. S. Lewis
"The Real Book" is a set of lead sheets that every jazz player uses on the gig. Learn it and you can hang with anybody. Once considered illegal or underground (because it was) it has since gone legit and can even be purchased at Guitar Center.
We used to call it "Fake Book", that's how old I am. Back in my trumpet days it was pretty darned handy.
Then I noticed the guitar players got all the action...
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
iReal Pro is a great fakebook software and phone app.
Ta! I'll have to investigate that one
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.
C. S. Lewis
When I was getting into jazz bass, I got the Real Book as well as Band-in-a-Box. BIAB is a really great practice tool if you don't have the luxury of sitting in with other players on a regular basis.
Many of the pieces in the Real Book have been programmed and come with the installation of BIAB. Lots of places on the web to find free and $ BIAB jazz pieces.
I've heard mixed reviews about those "Real Book Software" packages - esp. the ones that include mp3s - some of that violates copyrights and I've heard of cases of outright fraud related to these software. Buyer beware.
For the 20-odd bucks for the cost of the the "official" Real Book, it's well worth it. If you are jamming, many others will be reading out of the Real Book as well.