My band lost it's lead guitarist a few months ago, and we took on a player who is speedy and who can play just about anything we throw at him. He's 23, and in over 35 years of making music, I have only ever played in a band with one guitarist this good.
But we are having a clash of ideas. He's into Satriana and Vai. And I think these guys are phenomenal. BUT I'd rather listen to Keef playing five strings. Our guitarist dismisses players like Keef (lacks proficiency), Jimmy Page (too sloppy), Eric Johnson (one trick pony), Joe Bonamassa (stole everything from Eric Johnson), Jeff Beck (never reached the level of Satriani and Govin).
It's partly a generational thing, partly a different way of thinking about music. He's into high proficiency and military precision. I'm into the song and what makes it work, which sometimes means "sloppy" guitar.
BUT, our band sounds so much better with this guitarist along for the ride. We're tight, and we're doing some kick ass tunes. Our other lead player was rhythmically challenged, and I don't miss that, even though he and I played well together and had some rapport.
Sometimes there is tension between me and the new guitarist over approach. Hes young, and I'm trying to tell him that not every guitarist wants to be Steve Vai. Some of us want to be Ron Wood.