We've got a bit of new blood and lurkers, so I thought this might pull them in and help us all to get to know each other better.
Even though my tastes are wide in what I listen to and play privately, and I write songs in different genres, I like being able to tap into it all. My band plays classic and modern hard rock--we're not really metal, but we're not mellow. I like to think of it as good rock with a heavy edge--Stones, Alice in Chains, Steppenwolf, Ozzy, Hendrix, Beatles, Guns, Floyd, etc. I use a Strat with humbuckers for our heavier numbers; otherwise, I play a Tele with Nocaster pickups.
With my band Bellend (snicker) last Halloween. I was dressed as a fatal illness, EbolaAIDS (not making fun of the ill; more of a meta comentary on the media; I was raised on satire with a dose of irony and pity).