I think I'm a target of hype, perhaps marketing, because for 40 years that I've cared about guitars, I've never been able to shake the idea that set neck guitars are the Cadillacs while bolt-ons are the poor man's guitar.
I know that is ridiculous. What is true is that set necks are harder to assemble in a factory system, and I know that mahogany is a more expensive wood than alder, that the tops are often AAA or better. But I don't even own a set neck guitar anymore. I've always been a Strat / Tele guy, and I love Fenders.
But the draw of the set neck force is strong within me. Y'all know I've spoken of my love for SGs. Now, I know it's okay to love both, and really, the differences in their purposes are pronounced. I am rather set in the brands that I like--Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Ric, and Martin--as well as some lesser known brands.
I know some of you have a preference and others see them as two different creative tools.
Does the hype ever whisper guitar myths in your ear?