Here's my current pedalboard. I use this mainly with a 5E3 Deluxe clone and sometimes with a Princeton Reverb clone.
I've had that '69 Pedal on there for a long time- the pedal that I've used the longest. It was the only dirt pedal on my board for a long time. I love that pedal.
I just built the Silver Pony a few weeks ago to go with my Princeton Reverb clone (though I think I prefer a Rat).
The Fat Bastard is the second longest on there. Depending on the guitar, I'll sometimes use an AMZ Mini Booster instead.
The Malekko Spring is really more like a slapback delay, anyway. It's great with the 5E3 clone.
The Voodoo Lab Tremolo has a great sound! It's only issues are build quality (I rebuilt it to a degree) and the speed and intensity knobs are way too sensitive. I removed and replaced them on their shafts so they point to 12:00 where I like them set. After last week's rehearsal I meant to remove the volume and slope knobs. They're in the way when I need to tweak the other two knobs real quick.
I don't use the Tremolo and Malekko Spring with the PR- I prefer the amp's own tremolo and reverb.
The Rotochoir replaced an H&K Rotosphere that replaced a Leslie 145 (that never left the house). I like it better than the Rotosphere and it fits on my pedalboard better, is quieter and runs on 9v.
Believe it or not- I don't use any of these pedals much. It's mostly just a Telecaster and a 5E3 clone set dirty and backing off the guitar's volume and/or picking lightly for clean sounds.
The main reason that I don't go with an all in one type of pedal is that I really enjoy playing with these gadgets. They're a good time!