Have been shopping for a 5-string bass casually for the last few weeks. Had my eye on a couple of used EB/MM Stingray 5's but couldn't make a deal happen. Thought I should go and try out a few new ones - a Fender Dimension 5, a Fender Jazz 5, Musicman Sterling Ray35. For shits and giggles, I pulled a Sterling Ray5 (Squier of the Musicman world) off the shelf for a few laps around the track. I liked it so much compared to the others, I brought it home. The fact that it was a fraction of the price compared to the Ray35 and Stingray 5 didn't hurt. And it was 20% everything in the shop yesterday. I didn't get my preferred colour (black on black with maple neck), but hell, this will do the trick just fine. Here she is with her cousin (MIJ '62 RI Fender PJ). Gonna take her out on a few tunes at our gig tonight....