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Thread: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    One of my idiosyncrasies is that I habitually carry a small Swiss Army knife in my left front pocket. I've done it since high school. Over the years I've collected a number of them to match a mood, a place, or a whim. Here's my latest, which just arrived.

  2. #2
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    cool, where did you get that?

    wonder if the message there is that the stratocaster is the swiss army knife of the guitar world?

  3. #3
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?


  4. #4
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    I carry the same Swiss Army knife since 1990, a gift from my former father-in-law that I treasure. He died a decade before my first marriage ended, so I treasure it (and still treasure the time I had with him--a good man who taught me a lot about beers and wines).

    I keep it with me all the time, and it's been the most useful thing. Lost the tweezers years ago, but still have the toothpick.

    It once almost got me busted at Hamburg's airport. I was carrying it in my front pocket, ca 1996, and I was carrying a little weed in my wallet. The knife tripped the alarm, and I got searched. They opened my wallet and had they looked inside the money bit, they'd have found my weed. Needless to say, that was one of the tensest moments.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  5. #5
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    hah hah. I was flying from Myrtle Beach to NH by way of Philadelphia, back in the early '90s. I had a film canister in my pocket for the tolls and parking meters. I emptied my pocket at the security screening (nothing like it is today, of course). The woman working was a dour faced thing who suddenly light up like a little kid at christmas. She grabbed that film canister and whipped it open, only to find change in it. The disappointment on her face was palpable. I just looked at her and smiled.

    The glass pipe and baggie of weed in my backpack went through the x-ray machine behind her without a hitch.

  6. #6
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Ha ha
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  7. #7

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    6 black screws from StewMac for the trem-cover of my blackened Strat project. Hope they're here tomorrow so I can finish this one.

  8. #8
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by ch willie View Post
    I carry the same Swiss Army knife since 1990, a gift from my former father-in-law that I treasure. He died a decade before my first marriage ended, so I treasure it (and still treasure the time I had with him--a good man who taught me a lot about beers and wines).

    I keep it with me all the time, and it's been the most useful thing. Lost the tweezers years ago, but still have the toothpick.

    It once almost got me busted at Hamburg's airport. I was carrying it in my front pocket, ca 1996, and I was carrying a little weed in my wallet. The knife tripped the alarm, and I got searched. They opened my wallet and had they looked inside the money bit, they'd have found my weed. Needless to say, that was one of the tensest moments.

    I love Swiss Knives. I had a Victorinox Huntsman back when I was a teenager, I'd carry it on me at all times. Lost it years ago. After a good while, I satisfied my need for a lucky object with a Zippo, which I lost in some smoky and shady bar at some point, and replaced by the one I still own. This one had its history already. Played a couple of gigs and dated a couple of groupies with it in my pocket, and lit a few ciggies afterwards.

    Which one do you have? Is it a Wenger or a Victorinox?

    Oh, man. Now yóu've just made me crave for a new one.

  9. #9
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post
    Which one do you have? Is it a Wenger or a Victorinox?
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  10. #10
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    I'm trying to remember my last guitar related purchase. It was probably a second new set of strings for the acoustic back in Feb/Mar, in a vain attempt to stop the open string buzzing thought to be from the funky post wrapping of my first acoustic string change in at least 20 probably 25 years.

  11. #11
    Forum Member Frat Rettle's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Swiss Army Knife tweezers and toothpicks can be purchased on ebay.

    I have decided to be happy because it's good for my health.

  12. #12
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Ok, just bought something. Some velcro for my pedals.

  13. #13
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Parts to build pedals, I've been on a kick lately.

    As far as knives, I just got a new HK and a mini KBar. I probably have like 50-60 knives! I love knives and am always buying them, it's an obsession
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  14. #14
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    I bought some amber flame shaped bulbs for my garage's carriage lights.

    Oh, wait, that's a bit of a stretch to make it guitar related.

    Truth be had, I'm looking hard at bass guitars. Trying to keep it relatively inexpensive and as much as I'd like to build one, I can probably get a pretty decent Squier for less. The problem is GC didn't have any and the few other stores still remaining were weak sauce in a big way. There's one other store up in Concord that I haven't been to in a while, failing that it's scour the CL, TGP, Talkbass and hope for one reasonably close so I can try it before I buy it.

  15. #15
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Fresh strings for my Gibson SG

  16. #16

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Good to see you, Sergio! Hope all is well.

    Really excited to have an Earthquaker Afterneath reverb pedal coming my way. Should be here tomorrow!

  17. #17
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    fresh tapes for my Tascam 424, these are becoming increasingly hard and expensive to find.

  18. #18
    Forum Member NTBluesGuitar's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    A music stand! Just like the ones I used back in the school dayz.

    I tried just using a table all this time, but it just makes things harder.
    "...pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field;
    that, of course, they are many in number; or that, after all, they are other than the little,
    shriveled, meagre, hopping, though loud and troublesome, insects of the hour."

    -Edmund Burke

  19. #19
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    48 hours? Nothing - a week ago? yeah - I got that.....

    LR Baggs Venue DI, LR Baggs Para Acoustic DI, and a Live Wire Cable Tester -
    Kenny Belmont

  20. #20
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by NTBluesGuitar View Post
    A music stand! Just like the ones I used back in the school dayz.

    I tried just using a table all this time, but it just makes things harder.
    i need one of those. I have this chintzy folding one that is barely worth the trouble.

  21. #21
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Sampson era Hot Box. Or more specifically unwrapped it. It came the day I left on vacay.

  22. #22
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by NTBluesGuitar View Post
    A music stand! Just like the ones I used back in the school dayz.

    I tried just using a table all this time, but it just makes things harder.
    Ah, the REAL book. Many hours/days/years of my life staring into its pages.

  23. #23
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    time will tell if I've lost my mind. Just bought a squier loaded CV '70s precision bass body and a really cool allparts neck with a dark rosewood fingerboard, 1.5" nut and a tele headstock. The body is black on black and I might swap out the pickguard for either a red pearl or gold pearl.

  24. #24
    Forum Member VibroCount's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Today I went to the local instrument monger to buy a new strap & a few sets of the strings I wish to put on this guy who arrives either tomorrow or Friday.

    It will need the pad between the bridge and the body top removed and a setup which works with the new flatwounds and to my touch, but then I'm hoping it will sing.
    Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. -- Pete Seeger

  25. #25
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Just ordered a pack of these strap blocks:

    SGs and Les Pauls are incredibly prone to escaping from straps and falling on the floor, headstock first. Creeps me the hell out.

  26. #26
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Strap locks have always been a must for me. Before I even knew they had strap locks, in the late 70s, my Ric took a three foot fall, landed on a bed of rocks, and I was damned lucky that it survived with only a minor scrape to the head stock.

    One thing that happened still sickens me, and I feel stupid about it: I put my Tele down hard on one of my floor stands, on concrete, and got a few chips in the bottom. Not bad, but bad enough since I like my guitars to look pristine.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  27. #27

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post
    Just ordered a pack of these strap blocks:

    SGs and Les Pauls are incredibly prone to escaping from straps and falling on the floor, headstock first. Creeps me the hell out.
    That's funny that you are getting those particular ones, Sergio.

    Not sure if I documented all the modifications here on TFF but when I had my SG all finished up, I decided that the final touch should be to add some kind of strap-locks because of what you mentioned above. Most of the mods that I had made, took the 2017 HP appearance back to a more vintage flavor and so I thought what better way to top-off that "garage" mojo then with some authentic bright orange Grolsch rubber seals!

    I guess at this point that I should mention that I don't drink. I used to but that was many years ago and since my fiance moved in a while back, we haven't had any alcohol in the house. Now... I have to admit that every once in a while, I'll see some craft-brew or some nostalgic beer that I used to like, and I'll think "Boy... I'd like to try that" or "That would bring back some memories" but if you've ever seen the internet-meme grumpy cat, then you'll quickly identify with the look that has always been on my fiance's face whenever the topic of beer has come up. Yep... She ain't havin' none of that in our house. I understand and respect her feelings due to the fact that she and I both came from dysfunctional families where there were copious issues with drug/ alcohol dependency.

    Anyway... My intention was to buy a 4-pack of Grolsch, drink them, and wind up with 2 sets of strap-locks! Win/ win! Well... When I got home and explained to her why I had bought them, she was just a little less than thrilled at the idea. So... There I stood... pouring out every one of those fresh, ice-cold bottles of Netherlands finest... into the sink. I still got my 2 sets of strap-locks but I'll tell ya, that was rough, not to be able to at least grab a sip before it was all gone lol.

    Sorry for the long story but seeing those strap-locks just made me want to share this.

  28. #28
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    When I married my second wife, because of her religion, I promised her I wouldn't drink at the house. When she moved out, I was thrilled to start having a beer or glass of wine with my meals. I hardly drink otherwise. I've never had a problem with drinking and only occasionally do I have more than one, but I sure enjoy it when I do. Now I did have a problem with Mary Jane, so I stopped that about 4 months ago, and life is better believe it or not.

    But back to gear, I have gotten to the point of losing interest in buying new gear. I used to spend a lot of time online window shopping for things I wanted. After I got my Les Paul, though, I hardly ever look for gear. The only things I want now is a 12 string acoustic and a 12 string electric. But knowing that I can't afford either of the ones I want keeps me from dreaming about them. It's kind of a relief not to have GAS after a good 30 years of GASSING all the time. Part of it, though, is that my bipolar mania is gone with the good help of medication. I used to buy stuff I couldn't afford, knowing that I couldn't afford it, but buying it anyway.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  29. #29

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by ch willie View Post
    When I married my second wife, because of her religion, I promised her I wouldn't drink at the house. When she moved out, I was thrilled to start having a beer or glass of wine with my meals. I hardly drink otherwise. I've never had a problem with drinking and only occasionally do I have more than one, but I sure enjoy it when I do. Now I did have a problem with Mary Jane, so I stopped that about 4 months ago, and life is better believe it or not.

    But back to gear, I have gotten to the point of losing interest in buying new gear. I used to spend a lot of time online window shopping for things I wanted. After I got my Les Paul, though, I hardly ever look for gear. The only things I want now is a 12 string acoustic and a 12 string electric. But knowing that I can't afford either of the ones I want keeps me from dreaming about them. It's kind of a relief not to have GAS after a good 30 years of GASSING all the time. Part of it, though, is that my bipolar mania is gone with the good help of medication. I used to buy stuff I couldn't afford, knowing that I couldn't afford it, but buying it anyway.
    I continue to be right there with you, Willie. Seems that every time I read something from you, that I am quick to be able to identify with the topic. Not drinking at all, is something that I can live with but I do have a couple vices left so I'm not 100% clean and pure lol. But like you... if I were to be "allowed" to have a drink, it would very likely not be anymore than 1-2 tops. Honestly, after one or two of any kind of alcoholic drinks, I begin to feel quite lousy, tired, non-functioning, etc. So it hasn't been all that tough to continue life free from alcohol. Just that every once in a while, it would sure be nice to have an ice-cold ale or pilsner with a burger. No matter I guess. I definitely believe that life is better and that MJ is not all that difficult to wean oneself off of. It wasn't for me and I did it for quite a few years on and off. It certainly isn't what Nancy Regan and my local Evangelical church made it out to be when I was a teenager lol.

    That's great that you're not gassing any longer. I mean... some reoccurring GAS can't be helped since some stuff out there is just too cool lol. But having a handle on what your needs and priorities are, is much more appealing in so many ways. These days, the things that I jones for are more along the lines of compound radius custom necks, hardware upgrades, plectrums, etc... things of that nature. I'll forever want a custom Thin-line Tele but I simply can't justify it with 17 guitars already residing here lol. If it happens down the road then that's great but for now I'm pretty content. I do need to find my dream reverb pedal but that's another story lol.

  30. #30
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by HighPlainsDrifter View Post
    That's funny that you are getting those particular ones, Sergio.

    Not sure if I documented all the modifications here on TFF but when I had my SG all finished up, I decided that the final touch should be to add some kind of strap-locks because of what you mentioned above. Most of the mods that I had made, took the 2017 HP appearance back to a more vintage flavor and so I thought what better way to top-off that "garage" mojo then with some authentic bright orange Grolsch rubber seals!

    I guess at this point that I should mention that I don't drink. I used to but that was many years ago and since my fiance moved in a while back, we haven't had any alcohol in the house. Now... I have to admit that every once in a while, I'll see some craft-brew or some nostalgic beer that I used to like, and I'll think "Boy... I'd like to try that" or "That would bring back some memories" but if you've ever seen the internet-meme grumpy cat, then you'll quickly identify with the look that has always been on my fiance's face whenever the topic of beer has come up. Yep... She ain't havin' none of that in our house. I understand and respect her feelings due to the fact that she and I both came from dysfunctional families where there were copious issues with drug/ alcohol dependency.

    Anyway... My intention was to buy a 4-pack of Grolsch, drink them, and wind up with 2 sets of strap-locks! Win/ win! Well... When I got home and explained to her why I had bought them, she was just a little less than thrilled at the idea. So... There I stood... pouring out every one of those fresh, ice-cold bottles of Netherlands finest... into the sink. I still got my 2 sets of strap-locks but I'll tell ya, that was rough, not to be able to at least grab a sip before it was all gone lol.

    Sorry for the long story but seeing those strap-locks just made me want to share this.

    Oh, been there, done that, brother. Except that it was not my ex, but my mother who made me pour a six pack of beer down the sink in a day when I was VERY MUCH in need of each one of those golden blondes.

    my grandfather was an alcoholic (a very good man otherwise, a professional sax player in the 50s, btw), and she has bad memories. I was already a grown man at the time, but I respect my old folks enough not to "disobey" this kind of request.

    As for Mary Janey, I am not entitled to chat about her, never did any.

  31. #31

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post
    Oh, been there, done that, brother. Except that it was not my ex, but my mother who made me pour a six pack of beer down the sink in a day when I was VERY MUCH in need of each one of those golden blondes.

    my grandfather was an alcoholic (a very good man otherwise, a professional sax player in the 50s, btw), and she has bad memories. I was already a grown man at the time, but I respect my old folks enough not to "disobey" this kind of request.

    As for Mary Janey, I am not entitled to chat about her, never did any.
    Haha! I remember those days... having to watch out for the parental-police. I remember one time when I was in my teens and [as usual] wasn't using much logical thought. Bartles & Jaymes had just hit the shelves and my grandmother relished the new taste. Mom made sure to buy another 4pk just for grandma so that she could have one anytime that she came to visit. But what did I do? Took an entire 4 pack, emptied 'em into a 2 liter bottle and filled the bottles back up with pure refreshing tap water lol! What was I thinking?? I will say however, that the look on my grandma's face was just priceless as she started drinking one of the "recycled" beverages and commented that "these aren't quite as good as I first thought". Lol.. The jig was immediately up when my mom took a swig!

    In reference to your grandfather... That's how I treat things regarding my fiance. Her father was a verbally abusive drinker and so I understand that her negative association with alcohol is something very unsettling and something that I need to empathize with.

  32. #32
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    body and neck came in, going to post in bass forum

  33. #33

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Just pulled the trigger on a Blue Sky. The EQD is going back... just wasn't what I was after. Hopefully though, this new one will be all that I think it is. Should be here Wed... pretty excited!

  34. #34
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    The button holes of my straps were getting a little bit loose so I just ordered one of these:

    I liked the vibe
    Last edited by S. Cane; 07-19-2017 at 12:02 PM.

  35. #35
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post
    The button holes of my straps were getting a little bit loose so I just ordered one of these:

    I liked the vibe
    I like it
    Kenny Belmont

  36. #36

    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    I've got one of those but I use it on my SG to help alleviate neck-dive. Good strap for the money but be sure to use those strap-locks.

  37. #37
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?


    strap locks are mandatory with Gibsons

  38. #38
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    I bought an MJT VTS (Strat) body. 2-piece Swamp ash, 3 pounds 10 ounces, tobacco sunburst with closet classic relic finish. I'm not a relic fan, but this is barely aged and is going on an old guitar so I think it'll work out.

    I also bought a Pitchblack tuner cheap.

  39. #39
    Forum Member VibroCount's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by VibroCount View Post
    Today I went to the local instrument monger to buy a new strap & a few sets of the strings I wish to put on this guy who arrives either tomorrow or Friday.

    It will need the pad between the bridge and the body top removed and a setup which works with the new flatwounds and to my touch, but then I'm hoping it will sing.
    Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. -- Pete Seeger

  40. #40
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: What Have You Bought Guitar-Related In The Past 48 Hours?

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    I bought an MJT VTS (Strat) body. 2-piece Swamp ash, 3 pounds 10 ounces, tobacco sunburst with closet classic relic finish. I'm not a relic fan, but this is barely aged and is going on an old guitar so I think it'll work out.

    I also bought a Pitchblack tuner cheap.
    Oh, so it was you who did that to me !! You're a bad bad influence, Don. I blame you for making me buy an MJT Aztec Gold strat body.

    Should be here by Friday. Won't be built until probably the end of fall. I need to go through my pile o'parts and find out what I need to acquire. But there is no hurry other wise I'd get a Squier neck right away. If I can find one with the dark fingerboard I want then yes I'll grab it. But I plan to wait until the right one comes along. For now, piece by piece steady as she goes.

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