I just finished my second guitar lesson. Yep, even though I've had piano lessons and studied music theory in college, I'm a self-taught guitar player.
I'm sure you've heard the line, "He doesn't know what he doesn't know." That's me.
Not only does my teacher have some fine guitars (today, he had a Guild X-500), but he's an extremely accomplished performance artist as well as a teacher.
At first I thought I'd be bored with the repetition and "simple" exercises, but -- I don't know what I don't know. I'm finding scales helpful, chromatic exercises with alternate picking strengthening and improving my fretting, but he's also pointed out issues with my right hand ("too much tension," "too far back"), and while I've never been comfortable with a pick, he wants me to use one, anyway ("you can keep your fingerwork for those songs that benefit from it").
And that was the first lesson.
Today, we did a very simple blues progression. He had me use new (to me) fingerings for G7, C7 and D7. He then told me that any note in the C major scale could be played over a G7, and note in the F major scale could be played over the C7, and any note in the G major scale could be played over a D7. To prove it, he played the chord progressions and I played lead, just visualizing the notes in the respective scale. Zounds! "I heard some music in there," he smiled at me. "I could tell you were improvising." Wheee!
We ended up with a discussion on the pentatonic scales. These are shapes I've known for years, yet my playing lead with them has sounded stilted and trite. He's given me a new way of looking at playing over chord tones.
And that was the second lesson.
I signed up for eight weeks. And I'm excited about them! I'm beginning to know what I didn't know!