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Thread: JJN Rig Rundown

  1. #1
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    JJN Rig Rundown

    I have been into a “less is more” vibe, and since I got my new amp I’ve been dialing in some delicious fuzzy heavy tones using just a fuzz pedal and the amp’s natural overdrive. And a Wah, of course.

    Anyway, I intend to play the next gigs with the band like that. Just came across this video about Jared James Nichols’ rig, which is pretty much that simple.

    Pretty cool.

    I still need to check out if I can control the volume well enough just by using the guitar’s volume knob in a real band situation.

  2. #2
    Forum Member dirtdog's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown


    I'm kinda that way too. Guitar -> OD -> Amp for 90% of my playing experience. Same with the best guitar player I've ever played with. He'd even go without an OD oftentimes. Just a guitar, volume knob and a small amp. Don't get me wrong, I've had monster pedal boards at time - I think you kind of have to go through that journey at some point as a rock guitar player.

    I've played with a couple of buddies for decades now. Both talented guitar players and both made a living at it for a while but surprisingly neither are not all that smart with guitar tones. They spend a ton of time chasing the tone. Tons of pedals, volume on guitar always at 100% (otherwise the "tone sucks"). Tap dancing like crazy for simple songs. Something is always "wrong". Need more volume, kick on a boost pedal. Two overdrive pedals, why not? Starts loud and finishes even louder.

    They trained me to be a pretty good bandsman when I got back into it 20+ years ago - but I think I've kind of eclipsed them in some sensibilities, having played with other guitar players over the years and having the opportunity to understand some of the subtleties from the other side of the fence. They picked their doctrines decades ago and stuck with it. But they are good friends and nonetheless I enjoy playing with them despite this.

    Let us know how it works out Sergio!

    This is my absolute favourite guitar player right now. His rig is pretty simple as well - tone to die for, especially his LP Jr. with the single P90. OMG!

  3. #3
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown

    I like it best when I can just plug straight and play. But I keep a pretty good sized pedal board if I need it. My pedals get more use on recordings. I hate doing the pedal dance live. I have no sense of balance--I can't tell you how many times I've almost fallen trying to stomp a pedal. I'd hate to win a Darwin Award for tripping over my phaser.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  4. #4
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown

    This is how I’m gonna set my rig from now on

  5. #5
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdog View Post

    I'm kinda that way too. Guitar -> OD -> Amp for 90% of my playing experience. Same with the best guitar player I've ever played with. He'd even go without an OD oftentimes. Just a guitar, volume knob and a small amp. Don't get me wrong, I've had monster pedal boards at time - I think you kind of have to go through that journey at some point as a rock guitar player.

    I've played with a couple of buddies for decades now. Both talented guitar players and both made a living at it for a while but surprisingly neither are not all that smart with guitar tones. They spend a ton of time chasing the tone. Tons of pedals, volume on guitar always at 100% (otherwise the "tone sucks"). Tap dancing like crazy for simple songs. Something is always "wrong". Need more volume, kick on a boost pedal. Two overdrive pedals, why not? Starts loud and finishes even louder.

    They trained me to be a pretty good bandsman when I got back into it 20+ years ago - but I think I've kind of eclipsed them in some sensibilities, having played with other guitar players over the years and having the opportunity to understand some of the subtleties from the other side of the fence. They picked their doctrines decades ago and stuck with it. But they are good friends and nonetheless I enjoy playing with them despite this.

    Let us know how it works out Sergio!

    This is my absolute favourite guitar player right now. His rig is pretty simple as well - tone to die for, especially his LP Jr. with the single P90. OMG!

    Pretty cool!

    I liked the BbS guy’s rundown, but compared to what I’m after, he already uses too much stuff.

    Hey, when you say you played a lot with just the OD and the amp, do you mean with the band? Did you get to cut well through the mix while soloing without an extra pedal for clean boost?

    You know, it’s not just that I am sick of tap dancing through the gigs, I mean I am. But the tone is SO MUCH COOLER when you just use a tube amp and a fuzz, with nothing in the way.

  6. #6
    Forum Member dirtdog's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post
    Pretty cool!

    I liked the BbS guy’s rundown, but compared to what I’m after, he already uses too much stuff.

    Hey, when you say you played a lot with just the OD and the amp, do you mean with the band? Did you get to cut well through the mix while soloing without an extra pedal for clean boost?

    You know, it’s not just that I am sick of tap dancing through the gigs, I mean I am. But the tone is SO MUCH COOLER when you just use a tube amp and a fuzz, with nothing in the way.
    I played a Strat and an Epi Les Paul with P90s through a DRRI. No problem cutting through. For OD I used a VooDoo Labs Sparkle Drive that has built in clean boost. I also used an OCD but preferred the SparkleDrive. But I haven’t gigged on guitar in a decade. Mostly bass and most recently lap steel/pedal steel. Nothing but guitar, amp and volume pedal in that setup. I sold ALL my pedals (except my TU-2) a year ago with no regrets.

  7. #7
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdog View Post
    I played a Strat and an Epi Les Paul with P90s through a DRRI. No problem cutting through. For OD I used a VooDoo Labs Sparkle Drive that has built in clean boost. I also used an OCD but preferred the SparkleDrive. But I haven’t gigged on guitar in a decade. Mostly bass and most recently lap steel/pedal steel. Nothing but guitar, amp and volume pedal in that setup. I sold ALL my pedals (except my TU-2) a year ago with no regrets.

    The real challenge is to ditch any “artificial” boosting and raise the volume/gain for soloing and hard tiffing only by using the guitar

  8. #8
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: JJN Rig Rundown

    Another guy who does that is Marcus King.

    He he plugs into a Tube Screamer which is set to act as an attenuator and splits the signal into two cranked up amps. Simple as that.

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