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Thread: fender ultimate chorus

  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    Feb 2004

    fender ultimate chorus

    Found an Ultimate chorus for $356 in mint condition. Is
    that a good price or about average ? I did a search
    to see what everyone thought of this amp, But there
    was very little input from previous postings; is this amp
    not a good one ? opinions please..


  2. #2
    Everyone is not responding cause they're trying to be nice, Aero!
    I didn't mind the Chorus Amps for acoustic guitars, but here in this forum I think everyone is thinking mainly electrics, so you'd have a poor opinion of anything less than high quality tube amps I think.

  3. #3
    Forum Member
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    Thanks for the reply Tonefreak. Surely not everyone uses
    tube amps in this forum. Tube amps prices are sky high, but
    I quess everyone is paying the price. I wouldnt mind a tube
    amp myself, but being that I am not a very good guitarist I just
    walk away ! " I'm not worthy !" :) You know, I have the money
    to buy just about anything I want and dont because I feel
    I am not a "good enough" guitarist and dont want a "real"
    musician to laugh at me while on stage ! :) funny huh !


  4. #4
    Forum Member
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    Here's the lowdown on amp tone (and this is garnered from reading many many posts, as well as my own personal experience...)

    Do you like it?

    Simple as that, really.

  5. #5
    That's maybe a little simplified, but not so wrong either. I remember when I first started playing, I rigged it so I could play through my parents console stereo! I sounded OK to me, so that was good tone for that place in time!

    I had to walk before I ran, and so did everyone here. Enjoy the guitar, Aero....the instrument always gave more pleasure to me than what amp I was using at the time.

  6. #6
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    I'll second that Tonefreak emotion...right now the amp that floats my boat is a mid-80s SS Stage 185. But then I've never owned a Twin (or any valve amp other than a heavily cannibalised AC30 which I sold off for a song when I was young and foolish - sob).

    Equally, I've never owned a guitar as nice as my MIM Tele either - if there are even better playing experiences out there then bring them on, I say.

    Again, it has been observed more than once on this and other forums that playing the guitar isn't about arriving; it's about getting there...

    And I too tried the 'playing my guitar through the family stereo' sounded awful. But not half as awful as my dad's ABBA records after I'd blown the tweeters away.


  7. #7
    Forum Member
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    thanks guys

    I pretty much came to the same decision that I am saving
    my money for a nice guitar. I really enjoy a nice guitar more
    than a great amp. I still cant get over how good my MIJ
    SQ sounds, but I am just getting started again ! :) It's all
    relative... Thanks again for all input and for not cutting me
    down like on some other forum where I got my head chopped
    off my very first post !

    I too played my first guitar (Peavy T-60) through my
    parents console stereo ! :) Also blew the speaker !
    My dad was not happy !


  8. #8
    Forum Member concert410's Avatar
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    There are tons of guitarists who aren't into the high volume, heavy overdrive realm of playing that love their Ultimate Chorus amps. If you like it, then it's good!!!
    A good, screaming Strat just might be the greatest guitar sound of all..... -Slash

  9. #9
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    That amp does have just about THE most lush sounding chorus I've ever heard.
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  10. #10
    Ferg40...Yeah, everything is relative to what you understand and have learned over time. After 35 years of playing, I've now come to the conclusion that Mom and Dad's old stereo console is a BAD sounding guitar amp! The MIM guitars don't play very nice and sound very good compared to my old 68 Tele, A Cyber Amp of any kind is horrible compared to my old 63 Deluxe or the Boutique I mainly use. Bob will tell you the same thing...he wouldn't want the same ears he had in 1969...he's heard so much and learned so much over the years. What we dearly want are the amps and guitars that were readily available back then...which we couldn't afford to buy or didn't cherish at the time! :)

  11. #11
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    You mean it gets BETTER???



  12. #12
    Forum Member Dwell's Avatar
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    I'm not a tube snob, but I think the Fender Ult Chorus is a very bland, uninteresting-sounding amp.

    I'd suggest looking into a used Roland JC-120 or a Tech 21 Trademark 60, if you want to get a very good sounding inexpensive SS amp. The JC-120 is the epitome of clean tone, and works very well with pedals. The Tech 21 sounds remarkably like a tube amp.
    Everyone sings about Memphis, but no one ever does anything about it.

  13. #13
    Forum Member
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    Re: fender ultimate chorus

    It's all subjective of course. I know I won't win too many friends over with my statement that I think tube amps are overrated, but that's just how I feel about them. The Ultimate Chorus is a wonderful piece of kit to add to your collection if you're into smooth solos the likes of Gilmour or biting riffs if you're into Lamb of God. For me the amp does everything wonderfully, and when the stereo chorus kicks in over a reverb/delay laden bendy solo it's a thing to behold.

    But that's just MY hot take on the matter. :D

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