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Thread: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

  1. #1
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Even though I was learning guitar and bass at the same time, when I listened to music, I always paid attention to the bass line and would cop the licks. Good learning process.

    I listened so much to The Beatles and their solo work that I internalized McCartney's style. I wasn't trying to "rip him off." I've been told more than once that they can hear McCartney in my playing. I can't lose that; it's part of what my bass playing became. It's intrinsic now. And almost as important was Leon Wilkerson of Skynyrd. Like a million other guys in the mid to late 70s, I played a lot of Skynyrd in bands (maybe that was just a Southern thing). Leon was an encyclopedia of country, boogie, rock, and R&B. Learning from Wilkerson opened new styles and genres for me.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  2. #2
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Mel Schafer from Grand Funk Railroad
    Tom Hamilton from Aerosmith
    Bill Wyman from the Rolling Stones

    I never really heard Macca's bass worth a sou until I finally got my own copy of Abbey Road back in 2009. None of the stereos and radios back in the day put his bass out worth a sniff. I didn't own any Beatles on any media until the 50th anniversary releases so it wasn't until then when I really heard his bass lines.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Ray Pohlman, Carol Kaye, Joe Osborn, Duck Dunn, and James Jamerson. The music I grew up listening to.

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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    I've been told by several people that my style and technique seem like a cross between James Jamerson and John Deacon.

  5. #5
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    You guys mentioned some good ones.

    I love melodic bass playing. McCartney, John Deacon, Dee Murray, and maybe a few others--they show how to add melody to the basslines without over-playing. Even on the Queen songs I dislike Deacon is interesting. I don't know his story, but he's either had experience playing double bass in an orchestra or paid close attention to double bass lines.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  6. #6
    Forum Member dirtdog's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Depends on the day and tune. One day it could be Dee Dee Ramone. The next day it could be Babbit/Jamerson/Kaye. Day after that could be Bill Wyman.

    But the artist who I try to emulate the most - and fall quite short of doing so - is a local guy named Peter Fredette. Seriously underrated bass player has been involved with the likes of Canadian icons like Max Webster/Kim Mitchell, Sass Jordan, Loverboy, Tom Cochrane, Pat Travers and Gowan. He's a killer singer too.

    Here's an iconic Peter Fredette moment (fast forward to 1:10):

    Last edited by dirtdog; 01-01-2021 at 09:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Well, dirtdog, that sent me straight to Spotify to listen to Kim Mitchell's stuff. I'll be listening to him for a while today. Fantastic.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  8. #8
    Forum Member dirtdog's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Quote Originally Posted by ch willie View Post
    Well, dirtdog, that sent me straight to Spotify to listen to Kim Mitchell's stuff. I'll be listening to him for a while today. Fantastic.
    Awesome! Kim is well known around these parts. I've been to dozens of his gigs over the years when he toured relentlessly at gigs big and small. Hit tunes in heavy rotation to this day on classic rock stations in Canada.

    I first got turned onto him in the early 1980s through the Max Webster stuff. Tons of great stuff from that era. Kim's 1990s stuff is very pop/hit radio oriented. E.g. Patio Lanterns. But there's some gems in there amongst the pop faff!

  9. #9
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Not really sure on this one -

    I learned to play by watching a couple of local guys who were and still are stellar blues players. I watched, listened, recorded, later video'd and sat in with these guys as I learned. I tried to emulate them. I played with some really great players while I was learning, and had an opportunity to actually play with some heavy hitters, again while I was in early stages.

    Because they all learned from great players, and tried to emulate them, I think we are all trying to sound like a pretty common core, but each and all with our own flavor, flair and accent.
    With that all said, there have been so many great players, many whom I will never know their name or origin, who are responsible for why I try to play like I do.

    I am still in what I call learning stages, mostly because I am still breathing and all. That said, I consciously steal riffs and lines from so many songs, but am not really tying to sound like that player.

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  10. #10
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    When I did play bass I played like Stu Cook from CCR. That style.

  11. #11
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    CCR's bass lines are simple but fit absolutely with the songs. "Have You Ever Seen the Rain"--understated but essential. Some of the runs have as much emotional impact as the song's melody and lyrics.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  12. #12
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    I started playing bass back in the days when you had no idea who played on recordings so my biggest influences were the local guys I saw and listened to. Along the way I've probably picked up stuff from just about every player that has been mentioned but my biggest influence was the years I spent working with the Braille Blues Daddy, Bryan Lee, and the feel/pocket of his music.

  13. #13
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    As I am not primarily a bassist, I’m not certain I have a specific influence. I wish I could play like McCartney.
    Oddly the other week at rehearsal, after running through a song on bass someone commented Ross Valory. Name rang a bell but needed more info. Bassist for Journey for years. The person then played Stone in Love and commented I played much like that.

  14. #14
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    Ross Valory is no slouch. I'm not into Journey, but I like his bass playing, especially on Stone In Love.

    I remember an interview with Steve Miller about 20 years ago, and he talked about how he and Ross were trying to make it, and they'd take sessions anywhere they could get them. He said Ross was a good player.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  15. #15
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Which Artist's Style Is Part of How You Play Bass?

    And that is so weird on multiple levels. My Lakland 55-02 was owned (and signed and photographed with) Steve Miller.
    it was one of his home studio basses.

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