My Random Bass Life
1. I need some serious jamming time with a band to get used to playing the G&L JB-5. I play it a bit at home, but I need to jam to get a feel for the bass.
2. A year ago, I played mostly with a pick; now, my digits. It makes me feel freer to take chances not just in how I use a pick or not but in the way I hold the bass and have a vague but powerful "feeling" of having more control.
3. I had a moment's thought of trading my AmPro P Bass for Musicman Stingray. I played the pp out of my P, and I'll just shut up about it from now on. It was my number one for three years, and now, I play the AmPro parts JB I assembled more than any.
Random and Polarizing Thoughts:
Precisions, Rics, and Gibsons seem very percussive to me. Percussive and thuddy. Rics are only raspy if you use rounds and play only the bridge pup.
I love my JB but they sometimes sound like you could grate an apple on their tones.
Laklands and Alembics are great, but I've never played either.
Music Man and G&L: Couldn't outright duplicate Fender's instruments, so they started selling unique shaped and voiced guitars from the 7th dimension of the multiverse. Nah, they took what they could. Leo, after all....