My Bassman has (2) 150ohm 7 watt resistors attached to the power tubes, which is consistent with AC568. Of course, it could be a hybrid or transitional build that doesn't conform exactly to any schematic. The date codes on the transformers are from 1967 and 1968, and the original cathode bypass caps and the filter caps have a date code of 1968. I can't read the date codes on the pots. The serial number seems to indicate 1969, but possibly 1968.
From Wiki:"The first Silverface amps, manufactured between 1967 and 1969, had an aluminum frame (trim, known as a "drip edge") around the grillcloth, mid-1960s "tailed" amp logo and the AB763 blackface circuit. An even rarer feature were the vertical, narrow black lines, which separated knob groups in the control panel. This cosmetic detail (later referred to as "blackline") was quickly abandoned."
The rubber stamped code on the inside of the chassis near the power transformer is 1224268, so that might suggest the 42nd week of 1968. I never noticed that before, thanks for the tip.