Yesterday, I played all seven of my basses in one sitting.
G&L JB 5 string; all AmPro parts JB, AmStd fretless; AmPro Precision.:::: The P is the most versatile of all. The parts JB is the most comfortable to play, but it's a bit raspy. I've got to raise or lower the fretless JB's pups. They don't sound ballsy and throaty like they should.
Ric 4001 with flats:::::Y'all've heard me mention this one and seen pictures 1000x. I can't help it. I love its sound more than any other bass. I want a second one to keep round wounds on too.
Forgot the Hofner--orchestral and. I've got flats on it. Great bass. If it had rounds, it'd growl. Size doesn't indicate power. This bass is a monster.
Epi SG. I toy with selling it. It's buzzing more than I wanted to admit. It would sound thumpingly good for R&B if the fret buzz were gone.