Not everyone sets their clocks according to some government whim, but I live in an area that does, so we lost an hour last night. I don't think I'll have a physical reaction, but there are people who actually have their internal clocks upset and need to reset. A good night's sleep usually takes care of that.
I was listening to my weekly Hearts of Space broadcast and the announcer referred to the month of March as "schizophrenic." I think that's a pretty good description. Last week, it was short-sleeve sunny weather. Yesterday, we got nearly 3 inches of snow, and the current outside temperature is 19° (-7.2°C). Yow. I didn't go out yesterday and clear off the car, so if I intend to go to church this morning, I'll need to do so soon.
My plan yesterday was to go pick up my Taylor GS Mini, but the snow kept me from doing that. So I'll have to sneak some time in this week. I'm a little frustrated, as I was told they found nothing wrong with the electronics! Grrr. So, a 70 mile round trip for which I may need to get a new mortgage to pay for the gas for a repair that wasn't performed. Ugh.
Since the weather isn't inviting, I'll probably spend most of the day inside again, reading, playing guitar, cooking and staying warm. You?