I tried to sign up for facebook today, they disabled my account, goddam fuckers
I tried to sign up for facebook today, they disabled my account, goddam fuckers
"Live and learn and flip the burns"
I can't even look at the ad anymore, it's telling me my account is disabled.
prejudice against the handicapped, I should sue
did I mention that facebook sucks?
"Live and learn and flip the burns"
I got no use for Fakebook, Instasham, Snapcrap, or any of that other horseshit.
"When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."
I only use FB to stay in touch with relatives of mine who live in Maryland and with my friends in the US and Australia. None of them likes to use whatsapp much. Some of you guys included. Others I just email.
Instagram is a need because I gotta promote the band.
But that's about it.
TFF > Social Media.
I use Facebook to keep up with fishing buds, family, musician buds and of course to keep up with the Deadhead community. It's a resource. Yeah, you get a few chuckleheads that want to post political garbage but if you don't click on them the algorithm stops sending them to you. The experience you have on Facebook is directly determined by your actions. I have a friend who can't separate politics from real life and he's forever arguing and getting things that enrage him. (I think secretly he enjoys it.)
My only beef with Facebook is that I get too many adds for fishing gear and guitar crap. Again, if you learn how drill down into the interface and make the AI know you don't like it you can keep that at bay as well.
You just need to understand that what you see on Facebook is specifically taylored to you and your browsing habits.
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
I wouldn’t say that Facebook sucks because it has given me the ability to connect with the troopers I experienced the Vietnam War with, and great childhood friends I had lost contact with. If you are a hermit and want to isolate yourself from human contact I guess I can understand statements that are very anti social media, but to connect with the people I have has been priceless!
I don't post any photos or information about where I've been or what I had for dinner on FB, but I do like Messenger to message with friends old and new. For example, I message with the guy I bought my Super Reverb from last year (he's a pretty decent amp tech and let me bring my Deluxe Reverb over to his home to find a noise it was making). And I share photos of amps, guitars and amp repairs with several "friends", including "Uncle Doug", the amp tech with the popular YT channel. And I installed Whatsapp for Windows on my computer, so when my wife sends me messages while traveling, I don't have to type on a smartphone, but can use my full size computer keyboard.
But I can understand it's not for everyone.
"When You're Riding Down the Highway at Night, And You're Feeling that Wild Turkey's Bite" ZZ Top
well, it's beginning to look like the guy on FBMP is going to lose an easy sale to me. A new Reverb listing, totaling 300 more but in much cleaner condition, showed up today. And that's including shipping and I can finance it over 2 years. I won't have to sell anything to get it, either. Guess things happen for a reason. Thank you, face book, for being an obstinate 900 pound gorilla. You get nothing and like it.
"Live and learn and flip the burns"
I just wish Facebook had a baby picture filter. I mean, you seen one, you seen them all.
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
I deleted mine - it became a cesspool and security risk recently. I had been on it for over 10 years when it was innocent and you could have fun with friends and keep up with family all over the world.
However, if you're like me and don't have a common name, a simple Google can turn up where I work, what cyber security conferences I've presented at, my email, and search Facebook for my family also with an uncommon name. The cyber extortionists have made it all hell and I said "this is a big bucket of NOPE!"
"...pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field;
that, of course, they are many in number; or that, after all, they are other than the little,
shriveled, meagre, hopping, though loud and troublesome, insects of the hour."
-Edmund Burke
Worse than Facebook is LinkedIn. If you choose to close your Facebook account, you can download and delete all your personal data (or so they say). LinkedIn, on the other hand, says THEY own your data. If you close your account, only YOU have no access to it. Others can still see it, and request linking.
Ask me how I know.
Striving to be ordinary
Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!
Facebook and most social media.....I have no use or time for it.
We can put to much of ourselves out there.....but I'm old what the heck do I know.