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Thread: The Strat In The Attic

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    The Strat In The Attic

    Years ago I learned of a terrific book by "guitar sleuth" Deke Dickerson. "The Strat In The Attic" details 50 rare guitars and their unusual stories. Included are the discovery of Hendrix's burnt concert Strat, a $100,000 Les Paul and a Rickenbacker that was bought at a garage sale for $50.

    I searched book stores high and low but they were out of stock and had none on backorder. I forgot about it until by chance I came across my library card. Lo and behold, there was a copy available! And now I have until October 8 to enjoy the "rest of the story" behind some very rare and interesting guitars!

    Don't dismiss the library card! I use mine all the time!

    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: The Strat In The Attic

    Here’s a cool “Strat in the Attic” story for you.

    Back in the late ‘80s my wife and I went out for dinner one night when attending an antique motorcycle meet in Davenport, Iowa. While we were eating I could hear a blues band playing in the room next to us and, after finishing dinner, we sat and talked with the band for a bit. The lead guitar player was playing a ‘57 Fender Strat that he purchased for “$75 in pieces packed in a shopping bag” that he had assembled and was kicking butt with it. Quite an unbelievable price for that guitar!

    I ended up sitting in on bass and playing a set with them and managed to meet some really fine blues players that night.

  3. #3
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: The Strat In The Attic

    It is a great book. I have it along with follow up pt2.

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