My Strat has been living in an aftermarket plastic case that fit, but a little loose. Bought a Fender, Wrangler X case, and it fits nicely!
Last edited by Bill Moore; 09-30-2023 at 07:02 PM.
Just picked up a 15" subwoofer for the music room.
"We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain
Nothing fancy so no pic. Picked up a Hiscox case used but mint condiction for the 71 D28. The “vintage” case if has was rank. Could have opted for a Martin branded SKB board based case. It’s what I what I wanted, but the Hiscox is the better.
Congratulations! From what I've read, Hiscox and Calton cases are the epitome of protective guitar cases. Not cheap, either. Apparently Hiscox had some issues during the COVID brouhaha and wouldn't ship outside Great Britain. I think that's over now, but still I gather they are hard to find. Good catch, in any event!
Striving to be ordinary
Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!
Martin-branded cases pose a significant risk to those guitarists who travel via public conveyances. Many Martins disappear from airports and bus terminals due to the brand recognition. Better (ie: safer) that the guitar travels "incognito".
"When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."
Just got a Mooer Preamp Model X pedal for free through the Amazon Vine program. I'm looking forward to playing with it to write a review. So far the instructions are totally lame and the software seems mediocre at best. Youtube helps a bit, but only so much. Has anyone used one who can give real-world experience with it?
"We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
Two things:
1. A new Tung Sol reissue 6V6 in an effort to figure out the random noises about 45 minutes into playing my amp that seems to clear up if the amp up against a wall. Before the tube got here I changed the preamp tube with a NOS JAN GE 5751 and I think that fixed it. Microphones preamp tube. Now I have an extra 6V6 lying around. I have an old NOS RCA in there right now, the Tubg Sol went straight in the drawer.
2. Online guitar lessons from Tomo Fujita, his Guitar Wisdom courses. Was arguing over that or TrueFire but given where I am I figured having one teacher might make things easier.
Got them Statesboro Blues
I ordered this guitar on October 22 last year. I got the call on Monday that it had arrived. Sweetwater gave me a pretty good discount; $2699 plus tax. MSRP is $3799.
It will be here tomorrow.
Link to pictures:
Born in Fullerton, California in 1952
And no R tailpiece. No explosions. Ask me how I know LOL
Congrats. I’m a big fan of Rics. I’ve got a 4001 and a 330.
Rick has recently fixed the problem with the tail pieces, I’ve heard. Haven’t had issues with mine, but I dig those old style ones. Also love the Mapleglo on yours. If I were in the market, I’d get the same 12 string in a lefty, to match color with my 4001 and style with my 330.
If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison
Once I get more spare cash, my Ric 360-12 is going in for some work. I forgot the name, but I got the Lyre harp shaped tp to replace the exploded R. Got some toasters for it as well as a treble booster/chorus unit premounted on a pick guard. Also got a 12 saddle bridge.
Right now the musical cash is going towards my 71 D28
LR Baggs Anthem system was delivered this AM. Have an appt with a luthier for a neck reset.
Also trying to finish a Tele build from a decade ago. Only waiting on 2 final pieces. Still need to find the body in the wreck of my garage.
Very nice. Mapleglo with 3 pickups. That's a bit unusual. But jingle jangle for sure.
I have a 330 in Jetglo (black.) |I don't play it a ton, but when I want that sound, there's nothing else like it in the world. Given unlimited funds, I'd also want a 360-12 in the Fireglo burst.
"Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
"It is if you don't drop it."
- Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.
You can get the 360-12 with three pickups. It's called a 370-12.
Born in Fullerton, California in 1952
VERY nice! And having now enjoyed my reverse-strung Taylor 12-string, I can attest to Rickenbacker getting it right. Enjoy!
Striving to be ordinary
Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!
So how is that Taylor reverse strung? Been thinking of doing it to my Guild.
I love it! I have two other 12-strings in which the octave string is first (from low E to high e) and because of my style of playing (thumb and fingers, no pick) on occasion I will strike the octave string but not the base note. I find the reverse stringing to be more logical and natural. I don't find myself "missing" notes when I play. I'm not sure who or why decided on "octave first" stringing.
I'd change my other guitars, but I think the nut would have to be re-filed or replaced to accommodate the string gauges. Not a horrific job, mind you, but a consideration if you choose to re-string your Guild.
Striving to be ordinary
Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!
I just bought a Bonneville S-type guitar. I've been steadfastly anti relic, but wanted a nice '60s style "Strat" and this cost less than a used Fender reissue Strat.
You can't go wrong with aged Oly White!
"When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."
Thanks! I love the creamy look of the color. I also like that it's not heavily aged.
This guitar has a 7-1/4" radius fretboard and small vintage style frets. It gives a great vintage Fender experience (without the smell). It also shows that, with great fret dressing and levelling and a good setup, a 7-1/4" radius fretboard with small frets is really playable.
I've always got along well with vintage-spec Fender necks. It's what I learned on.
"When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."
Joyo JW-03 wireless guitar system.
"Live and learn and flip the burns"
Well, not technically guitar related, but definitely music related.
I have been studying and writing a lot of music lately and the more I do it the less I like being online while doing it. Too many distractions, excessive interactive content shoved in your face by social media, news sites and such.
I had recently watched a doc called "California Typewriter", and among actors, writers, poets and other artists, I found out that there are a lot f musicians rediscovering typewriters as music writing tools. John Mayer for one.
So, here's my latest acquisition: an all original 1967 Hermes Baby portable typewriter.
Been writing my own lyrics on it and man, I tell you: what a BLISS it is to unlpug yourself from the internet when you want to actually think.
I've long had a fascination for downsizing gear without sacrificing quality. Thus, after I bought and was impressed with the Positive Grid SPARK MINI amp, when the company came out with their "pocket" amp, the GO, I jumped in. Heck, if it only worked as a Bluetooth speaker (it does), it would be worth it, but it's a guitar amplifier than can fit into a gig bag!
Well, a poster on another forum mentioned that a smartphone stand would fit the GO nicely, and elevating and angling it a bit gives it an even better sound. So, I bought one of those, too. Now, to complete the collection, I bought a carrying case for the amp. Now I can charge up, go lakeside (or anywhere else) and plug in and play!
Striving to be ordinary
Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!
I just bought a new tone pot for my Precision Bass. I think one of the dogs pissed on it. Precision pissing on my precious P bass’s potty pot. Rust never sleeps.
If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison
Two new things. One, an Analogman Beano Boost because I’m an idiot and wanted a new toy for my birthday. Two, new strings. Decided to try those newfangled new D’Addario XS Nickel strings.
Got them Statesboro Blues
I picked up an Epi Les Paul, been playing my Thinline Tele, and really noticed the weight! I need to get Russ to set it up, but it sounds good through my Les Paul G40. Also toyed with my new Fender Waylon phase shifter, so far I like it.
Last edited by Bill Moore; 11-06-2023 at 09:44 AM.
Haven't bought anything, but I made $100 playing Saturday night. Spent it all on cannabis before noon Sunday, lol!
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
No pics, but got a Gibby SG Special yesterday. Going to dedicate it to slide I think. Very nice sounding and playing. Beat out a CS SG that was hanging next to it.
Typical red finish with a 61 style guard. Strap and strap locks on order. Will probably replace the tuners with open geared Hipshot lockers using the UMB plate.
I need to get a phtot hosting service. Imgur sucks.
Analog Alien Rumbleseat.
Back in August I bought a D'Addario micro soundhole tuner because one of my idiosyncrasies is I don't like seeing headstock tuners on guitars. About two weeks ago I noticed the tuner felt sticky to the touch and had a "smear" all over it. I removed the battery, cleaned it up as best I could and put a fresh battery in. It worked, but the battery contact seemed a little flaky, and I had to press the power button fairly hard to turn it on and off.
So, I wrote to D'Addario and asked them if this was a known issue. A very nice woman named Veronica replied and asked if I could send photos. I actually shot a 30 second video on my phone demonstrating the current behavior. She replied that it wasn't something D'Addario had noticed before, but offered to send me a replacement. How nice!
Before the offer arrived, I decided to just purchase a new one (they're only about $23). To get free shipping, I also added a set of the new XS Phosphor-Bronze strings that Taylor has changed from Elixir to. I figured I'd see why on my GS Mini.
Today, both packages arrived, my order and the tuner replacement. Now I have two new tuners and one I can use as a backup. Plus some strings.
Striving to be ordinary
Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!
Not too shabby for a 6 yr old thread w/nearly a half a million views
I had been slacking for a long time, but seem to be trying to make up for it lately. I mentioned the wireless back around the beginning of the previous month. Then I bought a JHS series 3 oil-can (emulated) delay. Then I bought a ss Marshall Lead 12 combo with an upgraded speaker. Tonight I bought a 2010 Squier CV50 Tele in vintage blonde to (hopefully) replace the one I loaned to my nephew who seems to have taken a liking to it. Which doesn't surprise me, that was a really good guitar. Getting a hard shell case with the guitar, too.
Now I have to list my partscaster and p bass body.
"Live and learn and flip the burns"
I've suffered gas recently. Got a MF stupid deal on a wireless system. For what it cost, if I don't like it, into the trash it goes.
Still waiting on a call from the luthier on the D-28 neck reset.
To bide my time, bought a Hofner Beatle bass (Ignition series) and a case. Should be here hopefully by the weekend.
Also sent an email (actually it was a form) to Chowney in England. I've been eyeing their SWC Pro for a few years and looking to pull the trigger. Need to know if it has a case or what they recommend for one. That should set me up on basses (Until I want a piccolo bass or a 8 or 12 string LOL).
A friend gave me and the Mrs. an early Christmas gift.
"We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain
I like !