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Thread: It’s Sunday, December 17th

  1. #1
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    It’s Sunday, December 17th

    We went to see the local performance of the Nutcracker ballet last night and it brought back many memories for us. Our youngest son was involved with it for around ten years from the time he was around five years old and performed many of the dance parts over that time span. He’s fifty years old now and that production hasn’t altered an iota in the years since his involvement. I guess it was a fun event, but I found myself checking my watch as I wanted to get to dinner and enjoy that prime rib that was waiting for me.

    Hope all have a great week.

  2. #2
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Happy Sunday! Couldn't sleep so I'm up and at it early. Spent Friday in the studio working with my vocalist. She's pregnant with twins and this was the last session she could join us until after the babies are born. We ended up recording her vocals on four tunes so we got a lot done. Back next week to do over a couple of my vocals and to do some mastering.

    Got the new Paisley guitar last week. Full admission - Chinese knock-off!!! Shipping cost almost more than the guitar cost. For a guitar that will mostly hang on the family room wall, it's pretty sweet. With a decent setup and with an electronics swap it would be a player! It's got a fat neck, but I'm getting used to it pretty quickly. I'm actually playing it quite a bit.

    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Quote Originally Posted by gibsonjunkie View Post
    Happy Sunday! Couldn't sleep so I'm up and at it early. Spent Friday in the studio working with my vocalist. She's pregnant with twins and this was the last session she could join us until after the babies are born. We ended up recording her vocals on four tunes so we got a lot done. Back next week to do over a couple of my vocals and to do some mastering.

    Got the new Paisley guitar last week. Full admission - Chinese knock-off!!! Shipping cost almost more than the guitar cost. For a guitar that will mostly hang on the family room wall, it's pretty sweet. With a decent setup and with an electronics swap it would be a player! It's got a fat neck, but I'm getting used to it pretty quickly. I'm actually playing it quite a bit.

    Aren’t the Fender Squire guitars made in China.

  4. #4
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    I'm late to the party!

    This retirement thing is quite the life-changing event. I opened my eyes this morning at 5:30 and said to myself, "You don't have any need to get up early," so I pulled the covers up and dozed a bit longer. Twice. Now I'm up. And it's 8:00 am! This is something new to me!

    So, the Sunday routine begins. Coffee and breakfast, church, and then after a quick side trip to the World Market for sightseeing and stocking stuffer ideas, it's back home. I've started some laundry, will watch some handegg games on TV, and perhaps just stay in today. Rain is predicted, and I did a five mile walk yesterday, so it might just be a good day to curl up with a book and some good music.

    Speaking of which, I've developed a somewhat painful callus on the first joint of my fretting hand's index finger. It sort of looks like a blister, but I tried lancing it to no avail. It's hampering my guitar playing a bit, as the irritation causes me to cut short my practice time. I've had this before, and it seems the best cure is to just lay off the fretboard for a bit. Overuse injury, perhaps?

    Be well, everyone.

    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  5. #5
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Howdy everyone.

    Busy times down here. Been working a lot, studying a lot of music production and sociology, and also arranging the production of my next EP.

    Writing and releasing songs has really grown on me.

    At last, it's December and I can hit the brakes and unwind a bit. I don't remember ever being this tired before.

    Took a quick trip to my favorite beach with the missus last weekend, not much live music to see this time but we got to explore some new spots that weren't crowded, just the occasional surfer here and there...

    Visiting my parents today. Just had a great steak with charred veggies and mustard sauce, and later on I'll hit the typewriter to finish some lyrics and have a Budweiser or six.

    Other than that, I'm letting my freak flag fly again. I am beginning to think I'm allergic to haircuts lol

    Happy Sunday, friends!

    Rob: always good to "see" you, my friend. You and your beautiful wife are very dear to me.

    Fred: haha that meme is very popular here! Best regards, buddy!

  6. #6
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    our local hand egg franchise is probably going to get mauled something awful today, I don't even know if I want to witness the carnage. There was at least one good game yesterday.

    We are due for rain some potentially heavy later with winds. Last week's apocalypse didn't really hit that hard here. Still going grocery shopping, need some vittles in the house. Store was packed last week. Now it's people stocking up for Christmas dinners. We're doing our Christmas Eve lasagna dinner this Saturday here

    At least cleaning up will be a tad easier. I saw my actual surgeon on Thursday, not one of the associates. He remembered me because my operation was particularly difficult and was thrilled at how well I was doing. I am cleared of all range of motion protocol, woo hoo. When asked if I had questions or needed anything, I said the insurance was trying to end my PT and I had yet to be strong enough to tackle stairs without a cane. He said he would write another script and a new order for more PT. That's a Christmas present for me.

    I can finally sit down, cross my right leg and rest my guitar on my thigh. If I hadn't gone out the last two nights, I would have played more. My social obligations are done for the rest of the year, I want to play more. Been enjoying my new (to me) combo and oil can delay pedal. Still haven't set up the CV50 Tele that arrived on Monday, maybe today.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  7. #7
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Yo. Heading out the door for a rainy walk in the woods. Can't stop moving just because bicycle season is over.

    Wrote a new song over the past couple weeks. I'll be recording the bulk of it tomorrow. This will make 5 songs for the upcoming album. I planned on writing 8.

    Vocal practice for today. Need to be ready for tomorrow.

    No guitar playing. I never play the day before a gig or recording session.

    Big fun!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  8. #8
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Had a great week because I got to cover some cool stories. The best was a Shop with a Cop program. Our police department collected thousands and took over 100 children, who wouldn't have otherwise received Christmas presents, and took them shopping for up to $100 each. Those sweet kids were so excited. There were a few who broke my heart--you could tell they live rough. But there were so many smiles, so much excitement. I saw these muscular and sometimes tough policemen with their guards down and offering gentle kindness and patience to these kids. As much of a 60s rebel as I like to think I am, I see that our police have to put up with a lot of shit, and most of them have their hearts in the right place and just want to take care of everyone.

    My son was in from Los Angeles, so he, my daughter, and gf had our Christmas celebration yesterday. I don't take for granted that we had a feast and a warm place to enjoy it.

    Despite the arthritis, I'm going to go play with a band and see if I can hang in there.

    Have a good week, guys. And yes, it is exciting to write a song, record it, and take pride in what you've "built."
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  9. #9
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Quote Originally Posted by Laker View Post
    Aren’t the Fender Squire guitars made in China.

    There is no Squier factory, they bid them out in batches to low cost guitar companies. They come from India, China, Indonesia, wherever.

    A squier is merely a Fender-shaped and branded random import with wildly varying quality.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  10. #10
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Quote Originally Posted by S. Cane View Post
    Howdy everyone.

    Busy times down here. Been working a lot, studying a lot of music production and sociology, and also arranging the production of my next EP.

    Writing and releasing songs has really grown on me.

    At last, it's December and I can hit the brakes and unwind a bit. I don't remember ever being this tired before.

    Took a quick trip to my favorite beach with the missus last weekend, not much live music to see this time but we got to explore some new spots that weren't crowded, just the occasional surfer here and there...

    Visiting my parents today. Just had a great steak with charred veggies and mustard sauce, and later on I'll hit the typewriter to finish some lyrics and have a Budweiser or six.

    Other than that, I'm letting my freak flag fly again. I am beginning to think I'm allergic to haircuts lol

    Happy Sunday, friends!

    Rob: always good to "see" you, my friend. You and your beautiful wife are very dear to me.

    Fred: haha that meme is very popular here! Best regards, buddy!
    I haven’t been involved with recording for around 20 years now, I just play a festival in honor of my good friend, Bryan lee, and I’m in the “pit orchestra” for a two week run of an annual fund raiser. Because I didn’t want to tour I was only on the first two CDs for this group.http://overdoseoffingalcocoa.blogspo...e-hogs_11.html

  11. #11
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: It’s Sunday, December 17th

    Well earlier this week I bowed out of a couple gigs. Work is taking too much time. Had a rehearsal and 2 gigs today. Took the new SG and it did well.

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